
Medicinal ointment from ANIMAL is an excellent substitute for medicines

By Lilia

The plantain , regardless of its variety – with broad or narrow leaves, is a plant used since ancient times to treat many skin problems , from simple scratches and irritations, cuts and insect bites, to skin cracks, dog bites, blisters on the feet , open wounds, varicose ulcers and hemorrhoids .

This medicinal plant has expectorant , anti-inflammatory, anti-sclerotic, antispasmodic and many other properties.

Recipe for taking plantain

The recipe is very simple, the ointment is made in 2 steps. 

First we need to make plantain oil .

How to make plantain oil

To prepare the healing oil, you will need 1 liter of unrefined vegetable oil (grape, sunflower, corn, or other), a glass jar with an airtight seal, and about 500-700 g of plantain leaves or seeds (you can do both).

The seeds should be dried and crushed.

The leaves are also washed and dried from the water, you can spread them on a napkin.

Then the leaves are crushed, (broken) folded (if there are seeds, along with them) in a clean glass container and poured with the oil.

The container should be kept in a water bath for about half an hour, then this mass is poured into a jar, the lid is tightened and left for 2 weeks in a cool dark place, shaking occasionally.

After this period, it is filtered and ready for use.

To treat acne in adolescents, wounds, especially those that do not heal for a long time, you can make plantain oil in the old country way, it is also suitable for treating all the problems we have mentioned.

A simple country recipe

Wash and dry well, freshly picked leaves in a cotton cloth, put them in a glass container, preferably with a wide neck, and pour vegetable oil (olive, linseed, sunflower).

Try to fit as many leaves as you can into the bottle. 

Close the bottle carefully to prevent air from getting inside. 

Stays for 10 days.

The oil turns a very beautiful malachite color. 


Store in a cool, dark place for about a year and a half at most.

How to prepare plantain ointment

Now we can prepare the ointment. 

For this purpose we need beeswax , which we can buy from health food stores.

We will use 1 tablespoon of wax for every half cup of plantain oil (about 85 ml). You can adjust the mass of the ointment depending on the results obtained.

If it seems too thick after it cools, you can remelt it and add more butter. 

If, on the other hand, the salve is too soft, put it back on the fire in the same way and add a little more wax.

When ready, the pot is removed from the heat, the warm salve is poured into a box or jar and allowed to cool to set. 

Apply to hemorrhoids, wounds, cuts or other skin damage.

If you want an even more effective salve, you can also add 5 drops of lavender essential oil and a few drops of vitamin E right after you take the salve off the heat and it’s ready to pour into the dishes.

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