
25 scientific rules for weight loss, about which nutritionists are silent, but really work!

By Lilia

Weight loss rules that are not talked about because they work. 

Scientific truth. 

If at least once in your life you tried to lose weight (or at least made a plan), then you probably already noticed: there is a lot of conflicting information on the Internet, and no “fad” diet gives a stable result.

Misleading nutritionists usually explain these discrepancies by saying that “everyone is different”: they say that if nothing has worked for you, then you just need a different strategy. 

Can’t seem to tell where the lie is and where the truth is? 

And why do you believe that you will really lose weight? We looked for scientific advice, tested it ourselves, and now from the portal search-2.blogspot.com we bring it to you!

Weight loss rules that are not talked about.

Here are 25 weight loss rules that really work, despite their inconsistency:

1. Start the morning with 2 glasses of water, drunk on an empty stomach, you can add a few drops of lemon juice to them. 

This will help jump start your metabolism and save you from a high calorie breakfast.

2. Start breakfast 10-15 minutes after drinking the water. 

And not earlier than 20 minutes after waking up! 

The best foods for the first meal are boiled eggs and various cereals.

3. If you want to lose weight, it is better not to drink liquids after meals. 

Avoid drinking 30 minutes after a meal. 

This will allow the food to be assimilated more quickly.

4. Forget eating after 6 p.m. 

The ideal time for dinner starts 3-4 hours before bedtime.

5. Learn to take a contrast shower. 

It improves blood circulation, accelerates metabolism and sometimes even smoothes cellulite! 

The color of the skin on the face improves.

6. Chew your food well. 

This is more important than it sounds. 

The better you chew something before swallowing, the faster your body will absorb it. And there will be no weight in the stomach!

7. Remember that the feeling of satiety does not come immediately. 

It takes about 20 minutes for the brain to get information from the stomach that it is full. Take your time.

8. Place a glass of water on the work table. 

Always keep it in your sight. 

A glass of water for an hour is the ideal norm!

9. Nuts are very useful, especially for the brain, but they also have a lot of calories. 

So a handful at a time is enough!

10. Nutritionists hate potatoes. 

But in fact, you should eat them: the product is filling, and the calories are not as much as it seems. 

The main rule is not to fry them! Boiled or steamed potatoes are the best option.

11. Bread also has its qualities.

White wheat bread is really better not to eat, but “black”, which means rye, you can and should!

12. NEVER drink hot drinks (tea and coffee) with sugar! 

Quitting is MUCH easier than it looks, and your body won’t get “extra” calories from drinks! 

13. The best drink for slimming is green tea, drink 2 cups a day.

14. A simple walk is your feet’s best friend. 

30 minutes a day is enough to protect yourself from cellulite and maintain normal not only weight, but also mood! 

Running and walking burn roughly the same amount of calories!

15. Mind your posture. 

If you always keep your back straight, your metabolism will work faster! 

If you start today, it will be easier in 2 days. And after three weeks you will start walking upright without a problem!

16. Don’t buy juices from the store, they have more sugar than vitamins! 

Of course, you should not believe the labels on the package: “100%”, “No sugar”, “No additives”, etc. 

And yes, sugar-free gum and Diet Coke don’t exist either!

17. Pay attention to the COLOR of the products. 

Yellow and white foods should be consumed as little as possible (bread, pasta, butter, etc.), and dark and pigmented foods should be consumed more. 

The least caloric products are the green ones!

18. Eat more foods that contain good gut bacteria.

 Kefir and unsweetened yogurt are best.

19. Get up from the table when you feel like your stomach is 80% full. 

Golden rule!

20. Finally start getting enough sleep! 

Studies show that people who suffer from chronic lack of sleep eat one and a half times more than they should!

21. Orgasm minus 500 kcal. 

If you are single, then minus 300.

22. Keep a notebook. 

Record your weight and volume every day. It’s more motivating than it sounds. 

Your ideal “speed” is to lose 1-1.5 kg per week. 

It guarantees the absence of health problems and ugly “stretch marks” on the skin.

23. Cook for yourself. 

Restaurant food usually contains too much salt, spices, fat or sunflower oil.

24. A strong rule for normal eating : only “real” products and no food that is produced in plants and factories. 

Meat is allowed (only if homemade), sausages are taboo. 

Fish is a must, canned fish is taboo! 

The pickle bought by grandparents at the market is allowed, the one from the store is taboo, and so on.

25. Finally, the most important thing is to ask yourself the question more often: 

“A handsome man or a piece of cake?” or skinny jeans? 

 Make sure you try to follow these rules! They are scientific!