

By Lesia

Compost for orchards and gardens is a support for the flowering of our greenery and being able to enjoy an abundant harvest.

There are several formulations on the market, but in a period like this, which is complex from an economic point of view, any unnecessary expense is difficult to bear. Not only that, with recycling, we can contain pollution and waste.

The combination of these two factors leads us, then, to an obvious reasoning: we can create, with DIY, the perfect fertilizer for our plants, but with some precautions.

Compost is a phenomenon that occurs cyclically in nature: the first layers of soil contain leaves and other organic elements that form a plant cover. Over time, this layer decomposes thanks to the intervention of microorganisms and molds and releases substances into the soil that are useful for nourishing plants and fertilizing. At home we have all the leftovers and scraps we need to recreate it, saving money!

Below we explain how to do it!

This is how I prepare my compost for the vegetable and garden, the neighbors envy my plants!

Compost for DIY garden and vegetable garden
We can also, first-hand, recreate this fertilizer from waste ingredients in the kitchen: potato peelings, carrots, celery, twigs, coffee grounds, tea, infusions, dried bread or leftovers Pruning can be placed or buried around the roots, but they must first be transformed into fertilizers. On the other hand, we avoid citrus peels, eggshells and ashes, printed paper or tissues.

Before continuing, chop or mince them in equal parts: leaves and dry bread, for example, should be mixed with leftover vegetables, which are quite moist to maintain the right balance between draining and moisturizing functions.

Now we put everything in a container and let it sit for at least 6 months, this is the approximate time during which the compost turns into fertilizer. Make sure the lid stays closed and place it in a dry location that is not exposed to direct sunlight.

Check frequently to ensure that a viscous liquid does not form and, if necessary, dry it by rubbing it with paper towels. If it smells bad, then it is a sign that our mixture is not well balanced. We add a dry part of cork shavings so that it is absorbed. We ensure that our compost does not attract our pets or become a natural habitat for pests and gnats, thus frustrating our intentions.

After the time necessary for the transformation from compost to fertilizer, add it to the soil by mixing 2 parts of common soil with 1 part of homemade fertilizer.

Our plants and our garden will be so lush that they will be the envy of the neighbors!