
You will no longer need to buy kiwis from the greengrocer: just one fruit is enough and you can have several plants

By Lesia

Steps to follow :

  1. Cut the kiwi in half with a knife.
  2. Hollow out the kiwi using a spoon to collect the black seeds.
  3. Place the seeds on absorbent paper and let them dry for a few days.
  4. Fill a pot with potting soil and scatter the dried seeds there.
  5. Take a freezer bag and place it over the jar to cover the seeds.
  6. Place the pot on a windowsill, close to the light.
  7. Wait a few weeks for the small kiwi plants to appear.
  8. Transplant the seedlings when they begin to grow.
  9. Move them to a larger pot to allow them to continue growing.
  10. Enjoy your organic, local kiwis.

Useful information about kiwis and their plants
Botanical characteristics: The kiwi is a climbing plant producing thin stems that cling to any support. To grow, kiwi plants require good humidity and mild temperatures. They need plenty of water for optimal growth. Don’t forget to peel the kiwis because the skin contains inedible tannins.
Beneficial properties: Kiwi is a very nutritious fruit, rich in water, antioxidants and potassium, ideal for athletes. It also contains a lot of dietary fiber which promotes intestinal transit. Grow your own plants to have fresh kiwis at your fingertips!