
Pouring vinegar on your plants is the solution to the biggest garden problem

By Lesia

Insects can invade your home and force you to look for an effective insecticide to eradicate them. If you have a garden, you know that certain insect pests can pose a danger to your plants. Here is a list of natural repellents to keep these pests away from your plants.

The gardener is often faced with unwanted insects lurking around fruit trees and certain plants. To scare them away, he can opt for insecticides full of chemicals, or choose a natural repellent to start an ecological fight against pests. If you also want to know the most formidable natural insect repellent treatments, we show you how to do it.

What are some tips for keeping pests away from your plants?

1. To combat red spider

Webaver spider mites, also known as red spider mites, are actually microscopic mites found on the leaves of our plants. These pests attack plant production to feed on the sap of ornamental plants or vegetables. To hunt these predators, you can opt for a biological insecticide such as:

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  • A decoction of onions

A decoction is an effective natural remedy for mites. To prepare it, mix 2 onions with half a liter of water and then boil this mixture for fifteen minutes. Let cool and then strain the mixture to retain only the liquid. Pour the juice into a spray bottle to spray this mixture on your plants.

  • clay

Clay is an excellent insecticide that prevents spider mite infestations. At the bottom of your plant pot or potting soil, you will need to sprinkle powdered clay. This trick reduces humidity and thus keeps the famous red spider away.

2. To hunt the vine weevil

Ear weevils are small black beetles that feed on plant leaves. When they attack plants, they lay eggs in the soil and allow larvae to appear that feed on the roots. Result ? Your plants become weak and dry, and may stop growing. To protect them from pathogenic insects, a natural treatment can be very useful.  Nematodes   are considered the best treatment for vine weevil. These microscopic worms parasitize and infest the pest to cause its disappearance. To fight pests, simply dilute the powder in water and then water your plants with this treatment.

3. To eliminate mosquitoes

Gnats are small flying insects that fly over green plants and lay their eggs in the soil. When they hatch, they give rise to larvae that devour the roots and weaken the plants. To eliminate mosquitoes, you can opt for natural treatments:

  • black soap

Dilute a tablespoon of black soap in a liter of water and then pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Spray the solution on your plants after each watering.

  • lemongrass essential oil

Essential oils have many benefits. To scare away mosquitoes, place a cotton ball soaked in lemongrass oil in the potting soil to fight these pests.

  • Cinnamon

Cinnamon can be a natural solution against these pests. Make an infusion by diluting two tablespoons of cinnamon in hot water and then wait for the infusion to cool. Water your plants with this treatment.

4. To eradicate mealybugs

Mealybugs are pests that frequently invade indoor plants. By feeding on plant sap, they alter their development and can cause the appearance of a black fungus, sooty mold. In addition, they can be found on fruit trees and compromise the harvest. To eradicate them, certain remedies are formidable:

  • nettle manure

Nettle slurry is a natural insecticide that combats mealybugs. Spray this solution on the plants to protect them from insect pests.

  • White vinegar

White vinegar is a natural treatment that eliminates mealybugs in a short time. Dilute a cup of white vinegar in a liter of water and then pour this mixture over the leaves of your plants to eliminate the invasion of these parasites.

5. To combat aphids

Controlling aphids can be difficult. These parasites attack the branches, leaves, shoots and roots of plants. They can cause the plant to dry out, drop foliage, and make the plant vulnerable to disease. To protect your plants, two insecticides are formidable.

  • black soap

Mix two tablespoons of black soap and one liter of water and then spray the solution on the unwanted parasites.

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  • Wormwood

This remedy protects your roses from aphid invasion. You can spray wormwood on the aerial parts to protect your plants from these harmful pests.

You already know how to get rid of the pests that settle en masse on your plants thanks to home remedies and without using pesticides that are always toxic to health and the environment.

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