

By Lesia

Chefs use a trick that allows them to store parsley for more than thirty days. Let’s see what it is.Parsley: uses in the kitchenParsley is an aromatic herb widely used in the kitchen. It has a characteristic flavor and several  beneficial properties . It serves to give a touch of freshness and aroma to dishes and is used in different gastronomic preparations in many culinary cultures.

Especially used to season and flavor various recipes, such as soups, sauces, salads, meat sauces and many other dishes, parsley adds a fresh, herbaceous flavor that can improve the  overall flavor  of foods.

In addition, the leaves are often used as  a garnish  to enrich the presentation of dishes, adding color and a touch of elegance. Rich in essential vitamins and minerals, parsley is a good source of vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin A, iron and folic acid. It is also rich in antioxidants and has diuretic properties.

Without forgetting that the herb contains plant compounds that could have  anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects . Some research suggests that consuming parsley may help improve digestion, support heart health, and promote weight loss.

That is why a good amount of parsley  should never be missing  in our kitchens. But how to always keep it fresh and store it properly? We reveal the chefs’ secret to you.


The first operation to carry out is  to wash the parsley with water . During this operation, you will remove any leaves and branches that appear dry or damaged. After washing the parsley, spread it out to dry on a couple of sheets of absorbent paper.

Fill a jar with water halfway, it is better if the jar is made of glass since it is a material that best helps preserve food. At this point, as if they were cut flowers, dip the  parsley stems into the  jar. Then, cover the top with a plastic bag, the kind intended for food, used for the freezer. Secure the plastic bag with a rubber band that ends at the top of the jar.

With scissors,  cut the two outer faces of the envelope , so that air can circulate. At this point, you can place the glass jar with the parsley inside, in the refrigerator. The ideal position, of course, will be the one dedicated to the bottles, on the internal door of the refrigerator.

If you don’t have enough space in the refrigerator, another way to make parsley last is to place it  already cut in a glass jar . Before closing the jar, place a sheet of absorbent paper between the lid and the opening. The jar can be placed in the refrigerator, preferably upside down.