
If you try it once you will never stop watering your orchids this way.

By Lesia

Orchids are beautiful and meaningful plants   Ancient people used to give this plant as a sign of  thanksgiving, gratitude  , or to give something elegant. In short, a plant with wonderful flowers with unique colors of different types. It is no coincidence that  nursery experts  try to give advice on how to water orchids and place them in the right place in the house or garden. Caring for this plant is difficult but essential. Few know that there is a natural ingredient to water the plant and nourish it deeply.

Orchid, the elegant plant to care for at its best

The  secret of this plant  is its beauty, its colors and the medium difficulty of cultivation. In fact, not everyone is capable of managing such a complicated type of plant. However, if you follow the instructions of expert gardeners, you can achieve a long life.

There are many types of orchids, with different colors for their regal flowers. It is an elegant plant that beautifies any environment. Prefers a humid and well-lit area, where it can  grow in total harmony  . It loves heat and cannot tolerate sudden changes in temperature.

Your soil should always be moist, but there should never be standing water because it could  cause the roots to rot.  An infinite cure that is also based on nutrition. Few know that there is a natural ingredient capable of providing all the nutrition you need.

Natural ingredient to water orchids

As highlighted, when it comes to this elegant plant of many colors, the question always arises  of how to feed it  . Experienced nurserymen do not use chemicals, rich in preservatives. To nourish and protect the plant, they choose banana peels.

Banana peel  is an active concentrate of minerals and vitamins, such as potassium, which is an essential element for this plant. Banana peel fertilizer for orchids is an essential plus.

This water will be enriched with  magnesium and potassium  , as well as essential vitamins for strong stem growth and improved roots. They can be added to compost, or an essential water rich in active ingredients is created.

A water prepared at home  in a direct and simple way. In fact, it will be enough to cut the skins or chop them and then put them in a container. Fill the latter with water and leave it in the sun for 24 hours so that everything can macerate. The color of the water will change to orange/brick-brown and is given by the nutrients.  Filter the water  and then water the plant, repeating the action even once a week.