
After this secret, you will not pay more for a new lamp.

By Lilia

In the age of LED technology, lamps have evolved to be more efficient and long-lasting. However, like any other electronic device, they can present problems over time.

The good news is that fixing an LED lamp is not as complicated as it seems and, with a little patience and the right tools, you can save yourself the cost of buying a new one.

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Here’s how to do it using common tools you probably already have at home.

Tools needed

Before you begin, make sure you have the following tools on hand:

  • Screwdriver
  • Steel tweezers
  • Insulating tape
  • Magnifying glass or magnifying glass


Step 1:

The first thing you need to do is identify the problem. Plug the lamp into a power source and check for any signs of life, such as flickering or dim light. Look at the LEDs and look for black spots in the center, which indicates they are burned out.

Step 2:

Unplug the lamp and open the housing with the flathead screwdriver. Be careful not to damage any components. Once opened, visually inspect the LEDs and circuitry for visible damage.

Step 3:

Plug the lamp back into the power supply (taking all necessary precautions to avoid electric shock). Use the steel tweezers to gently touch each LED. If you touch an LED and it lights up or changes behavior, it is probably defective.

Step 4:

To repair the faulty LED, use the flathead screwdriver to lightly scrape the surface of the LED. Sometimes this can reset the internal connection of the LED and make it work again. Do this carefully and patiently.

Step 5:

Once you have repaired the LED, disconnect the lamp from the power. Use the electrical tape to secure any loose connections and to insulate the areas you worked on, ensuring there are no shorts.

Step 6:

Reassemble the lamp. Make sure all components are properly connected and the housing is secure.

Step 7:

Plug the lamp into the power supply and check if it works properly. If everything is in order, you have successfully repaired your LED lamp.

Repairing an LED light fixture may seem intimidating at first, but with the right tools and a little patience, it’s a perfectly manageable task.

Not only will you save money on buying a new lamp, but you’ll also learn a useful skill that you can apply to future repairs.

If you are lost in the steps, we leave you the video of Innovar o inventar that does exactly the same thing, but is much easier to understand:

So the next time your LED lamp fails, remember that there is no need to throw it away; Just follow these steps and give it a new life.