
How to remove cooking oil from walls

By Lilia

As you might expect, oil stains are the hardest to remove, hands down. Obviously, oil will get splashed on kitchen walls when cooking, it’s inevitable. So the urgent question is how to remove cooking oil from the wall.

It is true that when the wall is covered with tiles, the oil can be removed without any problems. But in the case of a wall that is only painted, it is much more difficult.

how to remove cooking oil from wall

While it is true that in the supermarket we can find a variety of cleaning products within our reach, the reality is that they have a high price and their components are harmful.

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Fortunately, we have homemade solutions available that are highly effective. Therefore, it will help us  remove cooking oil from the wall.

To prepare this homemade solution we will need:


  • Absorbent paper
  • 3 clean rags
  • hot vinegar


  1. First of all, we put on gloves to protect our hands.
  2. Next, with absorbent paper we clean and remove all the oil we can.
  3. Then we heat the vinegar and when it is hot, we moisten one of the clean cloths to remove the oil stains but gently.
  4. Next step, we moisten another clean cloth but with water and clean the remains of vinegar.
  5. Finally, with the remaining cloth we dry the stains.
  6. Let’s remember that we can repeat this procedure as many times as necessary, it is the only way to completely eliminate the oil from the wall.


Let’s be careful not to overuse vinegar , remember that it could damage the paint on the wall. There are also other home tricks that can help us get the best results.


As we know, lemon is a natural ingredient that, being citrus, is capable of lightening grease and oil stains on kitchen walls, especially. Just by squeezing a lemon and applying a piece of soaked juice to the stained wall, leaving it for a few minutes, rubbing gently, it will leave it whitened. The recommendation is to apply this trick on white and non-colored walls, as it could discolor them. Finally, we remove it with a clean, dry cloth.


We generally use this ingredient to absorb oil that splashes on our clothes, just as we often use talcum powder. The same thing happens when oil splashes on walls. Let’s try and apply it by sprinkling flour with our hands and without rubbing. We leave it for about 30 minutes and as soon as the flour is impregnated with the oil, we remove it with a brush and clean it with a clean, dry cloth. We will see that the stain will disappear.