
10 simple exercises that are especially useful for women over 40: They straighten the spine, improve blood circulation and relieve fatigue!

By Lilia

The condition of the back and blood circulation are the basis of the health of every woman.

Poor circulation can cause a number of health problems such as gynecological problems, abdominal pain, lower back pain, hemorrhoids, bowel problems, etc.

There are exercises in yoga that mainly affect the important functions of the female body and can prevent some health complications.

Today from the portal search-2.blogspot.com we will show you how to perform them correctly.

These exercises will keep you in good shape and you can do them practically anywhere. 

1. Butterfly

Directions: Sit on the floor with your back straight, bring your feet together and spread your knees as far apart as possible.

Pull them as low as possible to the floor.

You can lean your back against the wall to control your position.

The lower back should not touch the wall.

Time: 1-3 minutes

Effect: Releasing tension from the abdomen, increasing the mobility of the hip joints and stabilizing the menstrual cycle.

2. Rotation

Instructions: Sit on a flat surface.

The back should be straight and the legs should be crossed in the Turkish style so that the knees are on top of the feet.

Place your left arm behind you and place your right hand on your left knee.

As you inhale, turn to the side.

Hold for 20 seconds and repeat on the other side.

Time: 2 minutes

Effect: Relaxing the back, improving digestion and narrowing the waist.

3. Candle pose

Instructions: Lie on your back, lift your legs, spread them slightly and lean them against the wall.

You can stretch them to shoulder width.

Spread your arms out to the sides.

Duration: 3-5 minutes

Effect: Opening the chest, relaxing the shoulders and abdomen, increasing the circulation of lymph fluid, reducing the swelling of the legs, stimulating the abdominal organs and eliminating fatigue and bad mood.

4. Hero pose

Directions:  Kneel, then slowly relax your legs and pull your butt between your heels toward the ground.

Feet should be hip-width apart.

Press your palms together in prayer position at chest height.

Stretch your neck and straighten your back, open your chest.

Breathe deeply.

Time: 1 minute

Effect:   Stretching the hip muscles and the muscles between the legs, relieving pain and improving the mobility of the hip joints.

5. Triangle

Instructions:  Sit on the floor with your back straight and spread your legs as wide as possible.

As you inhale, raise your arms up.

As you exhale, bend as far as you can, but do not arch your back, but instead bend as far as possible with a straight back.

Time:   1 minute, 8-10 times

Effect:   Strengthening the back, eliminating spasms in the groin, stimulating blood circulation in the small pelvis, improving ovarian function, regulating the menstrual cycle and preventing cellulite.

6. Position of the child

Instructions: Kneel on the mat, buttocks should be pressed to the heels, knees spread out to the sides – keep the feet together and pull the chest towards the ground.

Stretch your arms forward as far as possible, place your forehead on the ground and hold this position.

Time: 1 minute.

Effect: Relaxation of the waist and neck, stimulation of blood circulation in the pelvic area.

7. Position of the dog

Instructions: From a standing position with heels raised and knees slightly out to the sides, place your hands as far forward as possible and tense your body.

Lift your pelvis, stretch your legs and arms and create a canopy.

Shift your body weight onto your feet and try to place your heels on the ground.

Keep your legs and back straight without bending or slouching.

Time: 2 times of 30 seconds

Effect: Regeneration of brain cells, blood supply to the face, stretching of the back and hips, improvement of cellulite symptoms, elimination of neck spasms.

8. Dance pose

Instructions: From a standing position, raise the right leg back, bend it at the knee and grasp the ankle with the left hand.

Pull it back and up.

Place your right foot and repeat on the other side.

Time: 30-40 seconds for each leg.

Effect: Improving posture, kidney function and metabolism.

9. Bridge

Instructions: Lie on your back, bend your knees, spread your legs slightly, and place your arms by your sides.

Lift your pelvis and arch your back without lifting your shoulders, neck or head off the floor.

Time: 1 minute.

Effect: Eliminate back pain, strengthen the abdomen, reduce waist fat and improve digestion.

10. Release

Instructions: Lie on your back and place a small pillow under your head if needed.

Bend your knees, bring your feet together, and extend your legs wide to the ground as far as possible.

Arms are loosely placed at the sides, breathe deeply and relax.

Time: 3 minutes