
Are you going to plant garlic after summer? The trick of experienced gardeners, with which you can expect an abundant harvest of extra large fruits!

By Lesia

Planting garlic for the winter is very common here, but there are certain rules you should know to expect a bountiful harvest. Here are some tricks from experienced growers that are sure to help you succeed.

Planting garlic for the winter is very common in our country, but there are certain general rules that you should know in order to expect a rich harvest.

We will also give you some tricks from experienced growers that will surely help you achieve this.

In our latitudes, garlic develops around October .

The rule is that the later, the better.

Otherwise, there is a risk that the garlic will overgrow before winter and then freeze.

The right time for sowing is when the temperature drops below 8 degrees.

Insert the garlic into the soil to a depth of 7-10 cm.

This way we ensure that it will survive winter frosts better.

Before planting, water the soil and add humus.

After planting, press down the soil.

Do you want bigger and healthier fruits?

Plant them in this place

The best fruits and, above all, the largest, are obtained when garlic is planted in the place where the plants were before:






These crops provide the soil with the nitrogen that garlic needs. Thanks to nitrogen – the natural one – the garlic will be larger and healthier.

Never plant garlic or onions where there used to be garlic or onions, as they will naturally leach nitrogen from the soil and your new crop may not thrive at all or have a poor yield.

Beds in which other root vegetables have been planted are also not recommended.

Another good indicator is that tomatoes, pumpkins and cucumbers like sunny places in the garden, also ideal for winter garlic.

The gardeners’ trick to return nitrogen to the soil and get large, strong garlic.

If you have no choice and have to plant garlic in beds where there were root vegetables before, plant Vika Siata in these places after harvesting.

It grows well even in short days and is cold resistant.

It has the ability to restore soil quality and, more importantly, returns nitrogen to the soil.

Don’t forget to morinate the garlic before planting it.

The best solution for pickling is Sulky-K (5%), in which the separated cloves are allowed to pickle for about 8-12 hours.

The cloves will acquire a blue-green tint, for 1 kg of garlic use 1 l of pickling liquid.

Pickled garlic protects it from parasites, mold and also extreme weather conditions. 

Cloves should be planted root down.

When planting is reversed, yields are reduced and quality deteriorates.

Individual nails should be spaced 7-8 cm apart, leaving a distance of 20 cm between rows.

It is a good idea to cover garlic with fallen leaves during the winter.

Either peat or humus.

Unless extreme cold threatens, garlic will survive without cover.

In spring you will see the first fruits of your autumn work, you just have to remove the winter cover of soil and you will see the green shoots of young garlic. 🙂