
I do not use chemicals for ants. I simply use a banana peel and the problem is solved.

By Lesia

It seems that ants are harmless and even beneficial insects, since they play the role of health workers in the forest. However, everything changes drastically when entire colonies of these insects appear on your property. Their main food source is aphids, and the ants create entire farms to grow them.

When this happens in your garden, it can cause enormous damage. Today we have a solution for you that does not require the use of chemicals.

The banana peel will protect you from ants.

Although there are chemicals formulated specifically for this purpose, they can cause more harm than good. Furthermore, not all home solutions guarantee 100% results.

But a simple banana quickly solves this problem.


Deep underground, in the heart of the colony, lies the nest. Here is the queen of the ants, which gives life to new worker individuals. The queen never comes to the surface and is fed by other ants. And it is precisely this characteristic that we take advantage of with this method.

Choose ripe bananas with dark spots. These bananas are sweet and more attractive to insects. Peel the fruit (which you can consume) and use the peel as follows…

In addition to the banana peel, prepare half a liter of hot water and 10 grams of boric acid. Mix the acid with the water and immerse the banana peel in the resulting solution. Leave it on for a few hours.

When the banana peels are sufficiently impregnated with the prepared solution, cut them and distribute them under the bushes and on all ant trails. They will not be able to resist this discovery and will take it to the queen. Even after tasting the banana peel, the ants will not die immediately.

Gradually, the boric acid will build up in their bodies and eventually kill them. This applies to all ants and, without new individuals, the colony disintegrates.

Why is this method better than others?

Conventional chemicals destroy all insects, including beneficial ones. The shell attracts only parasites. In addition, after decomposition, the banana residue becomes an excellent fertilizer, obtaining a double advantage.

If you’re dealing with annoying ants in your garden, try this method that eliminates the colony from the inside. It is not guaranteed that you will be free of them forever, but you will surely have peace from them at least for a while.