
Many people put onions in the freezer and you don’t know why, the reason will surprise you!

By Lesia

The onion, a fundamental ingredient in cooking, once again demonstrates its versatility by adopting a surprising culinary trend: freezing.

Who hasn’t experienced burning eyes and involuntary tears when cutti

The culprit behind this discomfort is sulfuric acid , a gas released during cutting that irritates the eyes. The solution is simple: freeze the onions.

Why Freeze Onions

Avoid the Drama of Tears When Cutting

Who hasn’t experienced burning eyes and involuntary tears when cutting onions?

The culprit of this discomfort is sulfuric acid, a gas released during cutting that irritates the eyes. The solution is simple: freeze the onions.

By placing the onions in the freezer for about 15 minutes before slicing, you can avoid this problem.

The cold discourages the release of irritating gas, allowing them to be cut without tears and without drama, maintaining all their flavor.

Preserving Quality and Aroma

In addition to protecting your eyes from unwanted emotions, freezing onions offers many advantages.

The quality and aroma of these aromatic bulbs are preserved for longer thanks to a process that involves thermal shock before freezing.

Immersing onions in unsalted boiling water for two minutes and drying them completely ensures they retain the desired texture and prevents unwanted odors in the freezer.

Saving Time and Always with Fresh Ingredients

Freezing onions not only preserves quality, but also saves time and money.

It allows you to buy in large quantities during sales or harvest times, guaranteeing a constant and fresh supply of this essential ingredient.

The convenience extends even further: chop the onions before freezing, separate them into individual portions, and you won’t have to worry about defrosting more than necessary.

Simply take the desired portion and use it directly in the pan, simplifying meal preparation.

Freezing Method


  • Onions (as much as you want)


  1. Chop the onions with a chopper or food processor.
  2. Distribute the chopped onions in small bags or containers.
  3. Place the bags or containers in a large freezer bag or use reusable jars or bags if available.
  4. Seal the freezer bag tightly to prevent odors and freezer burn.
  5. Label the bag with the date for easy identification.
  6. Store the bag in the freezer.

Whenever you need chopped onions for cooking, remove a portion from the freezer and use them directly in the pan, as they cook well even when frozen.