
Trick to defrost a freezer: the ice will disappear without unplugging it

By Lesia

Ice buildup can increase energy consumption by up to 30% for every half centimeter of ice

Below, we explain how to defrost your freezer without having to unplug it, as well as the reasons why it is important to perform this maintenance regularly.

Why is it necessary to regularly defrost the freezer?

  1. Engine Efficiency: Ice acts as a barrier, preventing heat flow and making the engine work harder, which increases energy consumption.
  2. Preventing Engine Overheating: Ice buildup can cause the engine to overheat, reducing its efficiency and increasing the risk of damage.
  3. Improved Air Circulation: Accumulated ice can obstruct the circulation of cold air, affecting food preservation and promoting the growth of bacteria.

When to Defrost the Freezer

It is advisable to defrost the freezer when the ice layer reaches between 3 and 4 millimeters thick.

The frequency of defrosting depends on the use of the appliance and how quickly the ice forms.

Method to Defrost the Freezer without Unplugging It

Necessary materials:

  • Absorbent towels or cloths
  • Plastic spatula (never metal)
  • Hot water
  • Fan (optional)
  • Spray with a mixture of water and vinegar (optional)

Steps to follow:

  1. Remove Food: Empty the freezer, placing the food in a cooler or refrigerator to keep it cold.
  2. Protect the Floor: Place towels or absorbent cloths around the freezer to collect the water that will melt.
  3. Hot Water Method: Fill heat-resistant containers with hot water and place them in the freezer. Close the freezer door and let it sit for 15-20 minutes. The heat from the water will help melt the ice faster.
  4. Use a Plastic Spatula: Carefully use a plastic spatula to remove the melted ice. Avoid using metal tools, as they can damage the walls of the freezer.
  5. Remove Melted Water: As the ice melts, use the towels to collect and remove the water.
  6. Speed ​​Up the Process with a Fan (optional): If you want to speed up the process, place a fan in front of the open freezer to help melt the ice more quickly.
  7. Additional Cleaning (optional): Spray a mixture of water and vinegar on the walls of the freezer and wipe them with a cloth to disinfect and prevent future ice buildup.

Additional Tips:

  • Preventing Ice Buildup: Be sure to close the freezer door tightly after each use and regularly check the door seals to prevent humid air from entering.
  • Freezer Organization: Keep the freezer well organized and do not overload it, this helps air circulate better and reduces the formation of ice.

This method makes it easy to defrost your freezer without having to unplug it, keeping it efficient and prolonging its useful life.

Keep your freezer in optimal condition with these simple steps and enjoy an appliance that works better and consumes less energy.