
As soon as I wake up, I chew on ONE LEAF of fennel: Find out how this gift of nature can help you

By Lilia

Do you have this plant? You won’t believe how useful its leaves are!

Sempervivum tectorum, also known by the names Debelets, Rock rose, Stone rose, Babin kvas, etc., is an unpretentious plant that does not need to be cared for, but provides us with many healing properties.

It easily tolerates different climatic conditions, but it definitely belongs to the most healing plants.

It can help in the treatment of various diseases, but also all skin problems.

As stated in the portal search-2.blogspot.com , the leaves of a fat man are worth chewing immediately after waking up. 

People who have calluses or other skin problems will definitely appreciate the effect of the herb.

To solve the problem of calluses, people usually consult a doctor.

However, this plant can help with calluses faster than conventional medical procedures.

Cut a leaf, remove the skin from it, then place it on barley and fix it with a plaster so that the leaf does not move.

If the barley is large you will have to repeat the procedure for several days to remove it completely.

The skin around the barley will soften and then you can simply remove it.

When you eat plantain leaves, you improve your digestion, which affects the health of the whole organism.

You strengthen the immune system and protect yourself from upcoming infections.

Just one leaf a day is enough.

You can plant the herb in a pot or in front of the house and it is very easy to grow. 

Homemade miracle from a fat man

Prepare at home this useful salve and you will always have at hand a healing miracle for many skin problems. 

It is also suitable for children’s skin, cleans and relieves itching.

Homemade ointment

we need

200 g of lard

a handful of fennel leaves


Put the lard in a bowl and wash it 9 times with clean, cold water – just add a little water to the lard, stir and pour out the water.

We repeat this process 9 times. 

Thanks to this step, the ointment will have a nice creamy consistency. 

Weigh the leaves of the rock rose, they should weigh 50 g. 

Wash them, put them in a blender and puree them. 

Now put the ointment together with the mixed leaves in a small pot, put it on the stove and heat it gently.

Be careful that the fat does not start to fry.

Boil for 5 minutes, stirring constantly, and then strain into a glass jar with a lid. 

Cover and refrigerate for at least 12 hours. 

The next day, remove the ointment, put it back in the pot and let it melt again on the stove, stirring constantly. 

Strain again and pour into a glass jar.

Close with a lid and store in the refrigerator to set. 

Ready. In this way, you can easily prepare a universal remedy for skin problems and use it for example for acne, rashes, burns, cuts and other skin problems.

Fat man juice

The fresh juice of the herb is also useful for insect bites, burns, ulcers, warts, cold sores, eczema and ear infections.

If you apply this juice on your face, the skin will be perfectly hydrated, tighter and its elasticity will increase. 

Home treatment

You make this remedy from a fat man, so if you have it in your garden or in a pot, definitely give it a try.

1. Collect 180 g of leaves, wash them, put them in a blender and prepare juice (you can also grind them with a meat grinder).

2. Add half a pound of honey and stir until combined (stir with a wooden or plastic spoon, not a metal one).

3. Add 200 ml of squeezed lemon juice and mix.

4. Pour into a glass container and close with a lid.

5. Store in the refrigerator and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, half an hour before meals.

A cooling drink for fever and congestion of the upper respiratory tract

A few washed fresh leaves of the herb are put in a glass of clean water and left to stand for at least 1 hour, a peeled cucumber can be added.

Strain and drink chilled as needed, but no more than 3 glasses a day.

However, this drink should not be used during pregnancy, breastfeeding and in small children.

Miracle tea

Cut a few leaves, wash and cut. Pour boiling water and let it brew like classic tea – about 10 minutes

the liquid is used to rinse the mouth with inflammation of the oral cavity, but we also drink tea with mucus and inflammation of the bronchi.

However, don’t drink more than 2-3 glasses a day.


Chewing the leaves in the mouth for a short time or gargling with leaf tea during the day is recommended.

Treats an ear infection

Did you know that ear drops from the pharmacy also contain celandine extract?

It is enough to slightly warm the juice from the leaves and then drop it directly into the ear. Helps with pain and ear infections.

It also helps with a cold, just put a few drops directly into the nose.


For toothache and periodontitis, rub the teeth with the crushed leaves.

Use the healing power of nature!