
Never throw away this part of the bananas: that’s why it’s worth gold in the house

By Lilia

Discover the hidden treasure in your kitchen that might be going unnoticed: the seemingly insignificant part of bananas.

Many of us are used to enjoying the succulent yellow pulp, but what about the part we tend to throw away? It turns out that this section that usually ends up in the trash is actually valuable and could become an invaluable resource in your home.

Join us as we explore why you should never underestimate this part of bananas and how it can become a real treasure for your home.

The secret that few know about bananas

But not everyone recognizes that, even if we only consume the pulp of the fruit and discard the skin, we are wasting something truly valuable that we should all take advantage of at home.

In fact, videos are being shared online explaining that once the banana is peeled:

  1. First of all, it is important to preserve the rigid part of the end that holds all the fruits and let it dry. Before exposing it to the sun, however, it is suggested to cut the stem and open it to reveal all the fibers that come off and place them in a container outdoors for a few hours.
  2. The result will be a set of banana fibers that will be of great benefit to our plants. By placing them in the soil inside the pot, they will act as an excellent fertilizer. It will provide our plants not only with water, but also with the intrinsic properties of banana fibers that, when in contact with water and soil, will vigorously strengthen our plant.

To keep in mind, there are some fruits that are available in the market all year round and are some of the most popular and common, even though some of them have their origins in completely different places than where we live.

Additional Tips:

Here are some tips on why you shouldn’t throw away that part of your bananas and how you can make the most of it at home:

Use banana peels for compost: Banana peels are rich in nutrients like potassium, calcium and phosphorus. Instead of throwing them away, you can use them as compost for your plants. Simply bury them in the soil around your garden plants, pots or even in your compost.

Make banana peel tea: Banana peels can be used to make a nutritious tea. Boil the peels in water for a few minutes and then strain the mixture. You can sweeten it with a little honey if you prefer. This tea is rich in minerals and vitamins, such as vitamin B6 and B12.

Use banana peels to clean shoes: The inner parts of banana peels have cleaning and polishing properties. Rub the inner part of the peel on your leather shoes and then buff them with a soft cloth. This will naturally add shine and nourish the leather.

Make a natural all-purpose cleaner: Banana peels contain essential oils that can act as a natural cleaner. Place the peels in a jar, cover it with white vinegar, and let it sit for a week. Afterward, strain the liquid and dilute it with water in equal proportions. This liquid can be used as an all-purpose cleaner for surfaces around the house.

Remember, next time you have bananas, don’t underestimate the value of those peels! They can be a surprisingly useful and versatile addition to your home.