
Tips for all herb lovers: How to plant mint intelligently

By Lilia
  1. Choose the Right Location: Select a sunny area with well-draining soil for your mint.
  2. Consider containers: Plant mint in pots to prevent it from spreading too far.
  3. Use root barriers: If planting in the ground, install root barriers to control mint growth.
  4. Prune regularly: Prune mint regularly to encourage bushier growth and prevent it from becoming too etiolated.
  5. Harvest Often: Frequent harvesting promotes new growth and prevents overcrowding.
  6. Divide occasionally: Every few years, divide mature mint plants to keep them under control.
  7. Try companion planting: Pair mint with other herbs to deter pests and enhance flavor.
  8. Water sparingly: Avoid overwatering to prevent root rot.
  9. Feed Regularly: Fertilize mint every few weeks during the growing season for healthy growth.
  10. Watch for Spread: Watch for signs of mint spreading and remove stray runners promptly.
    By following these simple steps, you can enjoy the aromatic beauty of mint in your garden without it taking over everything. Wise planting choices, regular maintenance and strategic care will ensure that your mint patch enriches your culinary creations and delights your senses for years to come.