
Green walnuts purify the liver, blood, respiratory tract and many other diseases

By Lilia

How to treat with green walnuts? The answer to this question is – in many ways. Now we will offer you 4 recipes from folk medicine. 

These are:

green walnut liqueur; 

tincture of green walnuts; 

green walnut jam; 

green walnuts with honey. 

But before we look in more detail at the four recipes made on the basis of young green walnuts, let’s look at the benefits that we will have for our body.

What are the benefits of young green walnuts?

Green walnuts are extremely useful for humans. They contain many vitamins, minerals and valuable ingredients.  

Green walnuts are usually harvested in the month of June (from mid-May to the end of June). We collect them when they reach 2-3 cm and are still soft and milky. 

Green walnuts contain many vitamins, organic acids, iodine, flavonoids, essential oils, Omega-3 fatty acids and many elements, such as cobalt, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and others. 

The content of vitamins is high, the most important being vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B3, B8), vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin PP.

The benefits of taking green walnuts in different forms are many, the most important of which are:

Cleanses the body

Cleanses the body of parasites and worms

Fights fatigue and muscle cramps

Strengthens overall immunity

Improves vision

Helps diseases related to the thyroid gland

Supports the work of the stomach

Purifies the liver and blood

Strengthen the protective functions of the immune system;

Contribute to the rapid clotting of blood in case of skin injuries;

Accelerate the healing of wounds, even if they are serious and deep;

They have an antiparasitic effect;

They help to restore a body that has been subjected to intense mental stress or physical exertion;

They prevent the development of atherosclerosis;

They help eliminate various bacteria from the body;

They restore the proper functioning of the digestive system, including helping to eliminate the causes and symptoms of diarrhea;

They prevent the development of various inflammatory processes;

They help with male potency;

They normalize the work of the endocrine system, which has a beneficial effect on the whole organism;

They have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

Liqueur of green walnuts – how to heal with green walnuts

We can make liqueur from green walnuts in many ways. One of the recipes is:

– 1 liter of homemade brandy

– 40 pieces of green walnuts

– 1 kg of honey

Finely chop the green walnuts and put them in a large jar. There should be no white part of the walnut, only the green part, because it will burn. 

Add 1 kg of honey and 1 liter of homemade brandy. Everything is put in a three-liter jar. Closes with a cap. Stand until the honey dissolves.

It can be stirred from time to time to melt the honey faster. Do not put in the sun.

Once the honey has melted, it is ready for consumption. Chopped walnuts may not be removed from the liquor. It is poured into appropriate bottles, closed with a screw cap.

We can drink 1 cup each of the walnut liqueur (as an aperitif), which will raise our immunity and benefit our lungs and metabolism, and also protect us from bronchitis, ulcers and stomach pains.

Tip: If you suffer from basal disease, increased blood clotting, hyperthyroidism or psoriasis, it is not advisable to consume walnut liqueur.

Tincture of green walnuts – how to heal with green walnuts

The recipe for tincture of green walnuts is as follows:

– 1 liter of 70% alcohol

– 30 pieces of green walnuts

Chop the young walnuts finely and put them in a jar. Pour alcohol and let it stand for about 2 weeks, at room temperature. Strain through double gauze or filter paper and take 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon each (after meals).

Tincture of young green walnuts helps with kidney diseases, thyroid gland, disorders of the nervous system, diabetes, against parasites, with blood problems.

Green walnut jam – how to heal with green walnuts

The recipe for green walnut jam is as follows:

– 2 tea cups of water

– 80-90 small green walnuts

– 1 kg of sugar – 1 teaspoon of lemon juice – 2 sticks of cinnamon

We wash the walnuts well and make holes in several places with the help of a skewer. We soak them in cold water for 6-7 days, changing the water 3-4 times. 

Then we wash the green walnuts and put them in a pot of water. After they boil, we pour out the water and add new water and wait for it to boil again.

Boil 3-4 times in total. Boil a thick sugar syrup from the water, sugar and cinnamon. 

After it thickens well, let it cool and add the strained green walnuts. Bring the mixture to a boil, skimming constantly.

Remove the pot from the heat and let it stand overnight. The next day, we boil again on the stove, and when it boils, we add the citric acid. Pour the finished jam from green walnuts into dry and warmed jars and close them tightly.

Green walnuts with honey

How to make green walnuts with honey?

The recipe for green walnuts with honey is as follows:

– 1 kg of honey

– 40 pieces of green walnuts

We wash the green walnuts well and dry them. 

Cut them into quarters and transfer them to a suitable glass container. Cover with honey and let them sit in a dark and cool place for about 1 month.

We get a dark syrup that will be useful for the good functioning of the thyroid gland, against bronchitis, we will increase immunity, it works well against anemia and helps to heal wounds faster and to improve our vision.

We take 1 teaspoon, 3 times a day before meals.

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