
Each finger is connected to an internal organ: a Japanese healing method

By Lilia

The ancient Japanese believed that each finger of the hand was clearly connected to a specific internal organ in the body, and this unique view of human anatomy and energy flows provides the basis for a real healing method, looking at the relationship between each part of the hand and the corresponding organ. 

By following this approach, you can discover new ways to support health and harmonize the energy flow in your body. 

Discover the beneficial effect on your general well-being.

Each finger is connected to 2 organs: Japanese self-healing procedures in 5 minutes!

An interesting method of treatment!

There is a fascinating method of alternative medicine that is very popular among the Japanese and is based on the idea that each finger on one hand is somehow connected to two organs in the body. 

Due to its popularity and widespread practice, this method owes its high efficiency and quick results – the results are felt in just a few minutes!

Let us introduce you to the ancient healing method also known as Jin Shin Jutsu. 

This helps balance emotions, stimulates certain areas on the hands. 

The practice of this treatment method is based on the belief that the body’s energy balance can be maintained by stimulating certain key points on the fingers and therefore physical and emotional health can be improved.

To influence a specific internal organ, the method is as follows: you massage the finger for 3-5 minutes. 

During this short period of time, you should concentrate on your breathing and try to breathe deeply and slowly. 

After releasing your finger, you should gently massage all the fingers on both hands. 

By doing this, you target the organ you want to treat.

It only takes 3-5 minutes – no more!

Also, it is very important to mention that each organ is also associated with a specific emotion.

Below you will find more information about which finger is responsible for which organ.


Organs: spleen and stomach.

Emotions: depression and anxiety.

Physical symptoms: headache, skin problems, nervousness, abdominal pain.


Organs: kidneys, bladder.

Emotions: confusion, dissatisfaction, fear.

Physical symptoms: digestive problems, muscle pain, back pain.

Middle finger.

Organs: liver, gall bladder.

Emotions: irritability, rage, uncertainty.

Physical symptoms: circulatory problems, headache (especially the frontal area), fatigue, menstrual pain, migraine.

Ring finger.

Organs: lungs, colon.

Emotions: fear, pessimism, sadness.

Physical symptoms: skin diseases, digestive problems, asthma and other breathing problems.


Organs: heart, small intestine.

Emotions: anxiety, nervousness, lack of self-confidence.

Physical symptoms: heart disease, bone problems, sore throat.

If you have health problems related to some of the organs, try using this Japanese method and experience its benefits.

By combining this Japanese method with various practices to improve public health, we can discover new paths for personal well-being and transformation, and emotional and energetic balance. 

Discover the power of this ancient method and live a fuller and healthier life.