
Take 1 scoop in the morning, it will improve digestion and help your liver

By Lilia

Every second our body is fighting against toxins, bacteria and viruses – but it can also suffer from the influence of unhealthy food and drink. 

From time to time it is good to help him deal with these negative factors. 

This ancient recipe will help cleanse your body, improve digestion, fight constipation and generally make you feel better. 

But that’s not all, a very welcome bonus is that faster digestion and metabolism also mean weight loss.

A home remedy that helps cleanse the body

You can easily and quickly prepare this preparation at home and always have it at hand. 

One spoon every morning is enough and amazing things will start happening to your body. You will help your health and that is the most important thing.


Boil 3 cups of water.

Add 150 grams each of raisins and plums, but without the pits.

Leave to simmer for another 15 minutes. 

Remove from heat and let cool.

How to take this mixture? 

One spoonful of this liquid is taken every morning on an empty stomach. 

After a few days, you will feel the first changes: there are no digestive problems and constipation, you will start to lose extra centimeters in your waist.

Why these ingredients?

Question 1:  

Why prunes? 

This natural product not only gently relaxes and cleanses the intestines and the entire body without chemicals, but also contains vitamins that supply the body with the necessary substances and nutrients.

Thanks to the fiber in plums, they remove excess fluid from the body and improve the absorption of vitamins. 

This product contributes to rapid weight loss and ensures high-quality intestinal microflora.

Question 2:  

Why raisins? The composition of this product is unique due to the presence of inulin, which removes harmful substances from the intestines, stimulates the kidneys and facilitates the work of the liver.

Prunes should be especially familiar to women over 40

Prunes are excellent, for example, for making homemade sweets (such as “chocolate prunes”), desserts, salads, meat, vegetables, hot dishes, such as filling for cakes and compotes. 

However, this is far from all. The power of plums lies in what they do for our health. 

Especially women before and during menopause should pay attention. 

Fresh plums are great, but…

Prunes represent the best of plums in “dried” form. 

To achieve approximately the same amount of nutrients and vitamins, you need to get more than half a kilogram of fresh plums. 

It can also happen that when you taste a less ripe fruit, it literally makes your tongue and entire mouth tingle. 

The taste is bitter and each bite is difficult to swallow.  

This unpleasant feeling is caused by tannin, which is not only unpleasant in taste, but can also cause stomach irritation. 

You can completely avoid this by eating prunes.

The benefits of plums for our body

The concentration of vitamins, minerals and fiber in dried plums is significantly higher than in fresh plums. 

Thus, the dried product is much easier to use for our health.

Plums are extremely important for all systems of the human body. 

Nutritionists often recommend them as a natural laxative, as well as to improve bile flow and gastric juice secretion. 

They are also indispensable as a means of losing weight.

If you eat 5 plums a day, you can forget about diseases of the digestive tract, and you will also help people suffering from excess weight.

In addition to the digestive tract, it is important to know the use of plums for other systems and organs of the human body.

A huge help for women over 40, they can do anything

Women go through several bodily changes during menopause, and one of the most serious is the loss of bone mass known as osteoporosis.

A Florida State University study showed that prunes, not milk or dairy products, can reverse bone loss. 

The study was tested on menopausal women and the results are clear. 

It has been shown that women who consumed 100 g of prunes per day for 11 months had more bone mass than those who consumed other products.  

Dr. Bahramou Arjmandi even stated that the effects of prunes on bones cannot be compared with other types of fruits and even with commonly available foods. 

Apart from pits, however, the consumption of plums is also important for better digestion, weight loss and lower cholesterol – these are other problems that affect women very significantly during menopause.

Plums=healthy bones

Most importantly, the substances contained in plums reach the immune system in 30 minutes and therefore can strengthen it more than any artificial vitamins or biostimulants. 

Polyphenols also reach the bone tissues and act as protection not only against wear and tear, but also against inflammatory diseases of the joints and bones.

They will help with constipation

Prunes are a mild but very effective laxative. 

If you have problems with constipation, take 3 prunes soaked in hot water for a while before each meal.

For the heart

Polyphenols, potassium and other nutrients contained in plums support the health and elasticity of the vessel walls, strengthen the heart muscles and normalize the heart rate. 

People who regularly consume these dried fruits significantly reduce the risk of heart disease.

For the kidneys

Prunes have a diuretic effect, help to deal with severe swelling, improve kidney function, help remove toxins from the body.

For the eyes

Prunes are very rich in vitamin A, which has a positive effect on vision. 

Therefore, they are designed for people who spend a lot of time at the computer or before surgery.

Immunity bomb

Prunes = rich source of nutrients. 

People who eat 3-4 prunes a day are less likely to develop diseases related to vitamin deficiency. 

In addition, they will ensure that diseases such as flu and angina will not affect you.

What can prunes do?

fight constipation, take care of intestinal health,

reduction of blood cholesterol,

dissolving excess fatty tissue, cleansing the body,

the color that plums contain is five times stronger than beta-carotene, fifty times more effective than vitamin E and contains ten times more vitamin C than lemon,

restore liver cells,

promotes kidney health,

improving memory

slow down the aging process,

fight inflammation

diabetes prevention,

relief of symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and menstrual cramps,

speed up wound healing.

It is said that when the plum blossoms, it is a sign of God’s favor and a gift of health for the whole family. 

People value the fruits and carefully store them throughout the year. 

They knew that in the years rich in plums, they felt somehow better and health ailments avoided them.

Composition of plums: vitamins and minerals

The vitamin composition of plums is so rich that it would be a sin not to include them in your diet!


A, retinol and equivalent compounds – 38,713 mcg

B5, pantothenate 0.419 mg

C, ascorbic acid 0.577 mg

B1, thiamine 0.049 mg

B6, pyridoxine 0.203 mg

E, alpha-tocopherol – 0.427 mg

B2, riboflavin – 0.184 mg

PP, nicotinic acid – 1.879 mg

B9, folic acid – 3.904 ug

B4, choline 10.093 mg

In addition, beneficial compounds such as phylloquinone (vitamin K content, content of 59.494 μg per 100 g of product) and betaine (0.399 mg per 100 g) were found in prunes.


Phosphorus 68.773 mg

Magnesium – 40,836 mg

Potassium – 731.294 mg

1,444 mg sodium

Calcium 42.106 mg

Fluoride – 3.966 μg