
This tip changed my life! How to insert a spring into a door hinge!

By Lilia

Adding a spring to a door hinge can be the perfect solution to prevent the door from being left open and causing inconvenience in the home. Whether you have small children running around the house or curious pets constantly opening doors, keeping them closed can be a challenge.

But with this simple trick, you can keep the door always closed, avoiding accidents! If you want to see the video of this wonderful trick, watch the following video from Innovar o inventar that will show you how to do it:

Below we will tell you in detail this fascinating trick, which will solve this big problem. There is a solution, so don’t miss it!

How to insert a spring into a door hinge

To insert a spring into a door hinge and ensure that it always stays closed, follow these simple steps:

  1. Measure the distance: Start by measuring the distance between the center of the hinge and the point where you want the door to close. This will give you the exact length you need for the spring.
  2. Cut the spring: Use pliers to cut the spring to the measured length. It is important to wear protective eyewear while cutting the spring to prevent any eye injury.
  3. Insert the spring: Once you’ve cut the spring to the proper length, insert it into the door hinge. It should fit snugly and provide the force needed to close the door.
  4. Fit the hinge: If you are installing the hinge on an aluminum or other material door, be sure to mark and drill the holes accurately to avoid mistakes. Use a drill to make the holes and make sure they are aligned correctly.
  5. Secure the hinge: Once you’ve drilled the holes, use pop rivets to secure the hinge in place. The rivets will ensure that the hinge is securely fastened and that the door closes properly every time.

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With this simple trick, you’ll be able to keep your door always closed, no matter the circumstances! No more open doors causing unwanted drafts or allowing pets to escape. So dare to try this tip and enjoy a door that will always stay closed when you need it to!