
That’s why this houseplant should not be missing at home: the mother-in-law’s tongue is not only a beautiful accessory, but also a useful helper!

By Lesia

It is very popular among plant lovers for its excellent properties.

In this article, you will learn useful information about this common yet exceptional plant.

As my mother told me, this plant is a great help, so it should not be missing in any home. 

Sansevieria  is basically an unpretentious and useful plant .

It is easy to propagate and is a suitable plant even for beginners.

This plant is native to equatorial Africa and owes its name to the Italian aristocrat Raimondo de Sango, Prince Sansevier, who was the first to bring the sansevieria from Africa to Naples.

Of the 50 known species, only 6 are cultivated in the country.

It is a long-lived and resistant plant, it is not bothered by drought, large temperature differences or intense sunlight.


Sansevieria has long, pointed leaves, 5-6 cm wide  .

They have yellowish or cream edges and irregular dark stripes.

Some species have raised leaves, while others have low rosettes.

There are usually 6 to 8 leaves in the pot and 2 to 3 new ones grow each year.

It can reach a height of up to  1 metre, but usually grows up to 50 – 70 cm .


It will bring you a long life

Sansevieria is also popular in Chinese art < and in feng-shui philosophy.

People believe that if the plant is placed in certain corners of the house or near the entrance, it will bring the family 8 gifts as virtues from the gods .

Gifts include prosperity, beauty, health, wisdom, long life, strength, art and poetry.

Purify the air and improve your sleep

Sansevieria is truly exceptional in its ability to clean and improve air quality.

Reduces harmful particles such as benzene and trichloroethylene in the air.

These toxins have a negative effect on our sleep and cause headaches.

That’s why it’s worth putting a sansevieria  in the bedroom.

It is also worth putting it in a room with electronic devices such as a TV, computer, etc.

It can also clear the area of ​​electrosmog.

Absorbs excess moisture

If you place 2 or 3 medium-sized plants in the apartment, you can significantly change the air quality .

Sansevieria also absorbs  excess moisture from the air  well .

Excessive humidity in the room  makes it difficult to sleep and concentrate.

And this unusual plant  will prevent these problems.

Help for allergy sufferers

Another advantage of this plant is that it is also suitable for allergy sufferers, as it does not cause any reaction.

However, it should be noted that it is poisonous if ingested.

Its juice contains saponins, which when used externally are curative, but when ingested can cause poisoning  .

Therefore, care should be taken and it should be placed out of reach if there are small children or animals in the home.

It is the least demanding plant to grow.

It will be an ideal choice for those who have little knowledge about plants,  little time or patience for daily plant care. 

The most resistant indoor plant

Sansevieria can be said to be the most resistant of all indoor plants.

It tolerates scorching sun < and high temperatures, but also shade < and temperatures below 12 °C.

It also tolerates sudden changes in temperature and will last at least a month if not watered .

It stores water in its dense leaves, so it is able to survive even prolonged periods of drought. 

Confessions of a Sansevier

As we mentioned at the beginning, this plant is also known by the popular name of “mother-in-law’s tongue”.

Some people believe that if you have it at home, it will not bring you anything good.

On the contrary, other superstitions say that it has the ability to cleanse a room of negative energy and even evil spirits.

It is also said to help you focus on what is essential and achieve your goals.



1. Choose healthy leaves for cuttings.

2. Prepare a suitable container and fill it with water.

3. Cut the leaves with sharp scissors and wash the entire leaf and the cut area.

4. Place the cuttings in a container with water.

5. Change the water once a week.

Photo: pixabay

6. Place the container with the cuttings in a shaded place and away from direct sunlight.

These are simple steps that will allow the leaves to sprout their first roots in about 21 days.

After a month, the roots have grown well, but because they are resting on the bottom of the container, they are slightly curved.

To flatten the roots, use toothpicks to poke them into both sides of the leaf.

Place the leaf in the center of the glass and pour clean water.

As you can see, the sanseviera is not only decorative, but also a very useful indoor plant, so if you don’t have one at home yet, it’s time to get one.

Good luck!