
If you have one of these 7 plants at home: take care of it because you have a treasure at home

By Lesia

Shaped like a palm tree, it is native to Africa and fits very well inside the home. Easy to maintain, it needs regular watering and requires light, but be careful: do not give it direct sunlight. It has very long leaves with red tones. This beautiful plant will purify the house, filters all polluting gases and mainly formaldehyde, which is a chemical compound that is released from all types of paints and varnishes, as well as cosmetic and hygiene products.

  1. Mother-in-law’s tongue or Sanseviere

With its elongated dark green leaves with yellow edges, it is one of the best known and most common in our homes. Eliminates all types of toxic substances left in the house. They do not consume much water and need light, they are resistant to temperature changes.

  1. the rubber tree

This plant helps eliminate formaldehyde from the environment, but it also has another great property. Helps maintain an environment with good humidity. Irrigation should be moderate and done only when the substrate is at least two fingers dry. Does it need bright places and easily tolerate climate changes? Water it every 2 days.

  1. aloe vera

This well-known plant is ideal for the interior of our homes. It refreshes and purifies the environment, also absorbs all types of toxic substances and produces an excellent quality of oxygen. Of all those mentioned so far, this is perhaps one of the most fragile. Needs daily sun exposure. However, you must be careful with excessive watering and exposure to low temperatures. This plant also has the talent of alerting us when something is wrong.

  1. Hairy chlorophyton

This plant eliminates toxins such as carbon monoxide and formaldehyde, which are mainly found in varnishes and paints. This plant is ideal indoors, since it has little tolerance to low temperatures and frost. It needs moderate light, watering once a week in winter.

Read also:  Happy are those who have this plant at home: they are very lucky without knowing it

  1. Epipremnum aureum

It is the most famous plant for purifying the air, absorbing a large amount of toxic substances. Its maintenance is very simple if you make sure that the substrate is always moist, but never excessively. It is a plant that grows very easily in low light or in the shade. Environmental humidity is favorable to it.

  1. the chrysanthemum

According to a NASA report, the chrysanthemum is the plant par excellence for purifying the air. Eliminates almost all environmental toxins, renews the air in our home. It is a plant whose maintenance is very easy. As with almost all plants, it is necessary to keep the substrate almost always moist, but never waterlogged. However, direct sunlight should be avoided, especially in summer.