
The watermelons will grow large and sweet. In June, support them with homemade fertilizers.

By Lesia

The watermelon is undoubtedly the symbol of summer. On hot days, this juicy fruit is perfect for quenching thirst, since more than 90% of its composition is water and it also has few calories. I have grown watermelons in my garden for years; They grow big and sweet, like in Greece. What is the secret of a successful crop? Providing plants with the right conditions to grow and bear fruit is essential, although it is not the only requirement. Since June, I have been supporting my watermelons with homemade fertilizers: they are easy to prepare and their effects exceed all expectations.

How to care for watermelons in June?

It is hard to imagine summer without watermelons. Due to their high water content (over 90%), they perfectly hydrate and satisfy the appetite, making them an ideal snack for hot days. Although it is a low-calorie fruit, it provides valuable vitamins and nutrients to our body. All this justifies growing watermelons in our garden. The success of their cultivation depends primarily on choosing the right location, as they need a lot of sun and heat to produce sweet and juicy fruits. Seeds can be sown directly into the ground, although it is better to prepare seedlings. Plants are transplanted into the ground at the end of May or beginning of June.

How to care for watermelons in June?

The key element of its cultivation is regular and adequate irrigation. Plants have a greater demand for water during the fruit formation period; However, once they grow and begin to mature, it is advisable to reduce watering. It is important to avoid waterlogging, as it can cause root rot. The irrigation water should not be cold, but warm. Watermelons are very hungry plants, meaning they need large amounts of nutrients to grow. Before planting, it is advisable to enrich the soil with organic fertilizer, mixing compost or manure. During the growing stage, homemade fertilizers are ideal. Additionally, it is important to keep the soil free of weeds, as otherwise they will absorb water and valuable nutrients.

Homemade fertilizers for fruiting watermelons I have my own method for growing large, tasty and juicy watermelons. A few years ago I discovered homemade fertilizers that I continue to use successfully to this day. How to feed watermelons to enjoy the taste of delicious and juicy fruits? Here are some recipes for homemade fertilizers.

Yeast fertilizer: I dissolve a sachet of dry yeast in 10 liters of water and let the mixture rest for 24 hours. I water my watermelons with this homemade fertilizer since June, avoiding wetting the leaves. Not only is it a natural growth stimulant, but it also promotes the development of the root system.

Wood ash fertilizer: It is essential during flowering and fruit formation, as it contains potassium and phosphorus. I add 50 g of ash to two liters of boiling water, mix well and let it steep for 8 hours. I spray the watermelon leaves with this mixture. Foliar fertilizer provides plants with the necessary nutrients for better growth and performance.

Iodine fertilizer: Simply add 6 drops of iodine to a bucket of water, mix well and spray the watermelons. This method strengthens the resistance of plants and protects them against fungal diseases.