
This is the most powerful fertilizer for spectacular flowering of your geraniums!

By Lesia

It’s time to blossom and wake up and your mind turns to geraniums. Soon, on the city streets, on balconies, in gardens, there will be a riot of bright colours, the same ones that later inspire the nail polishes on our nails, as soon as summer triumphs and darkens our complexion, giving us that bonne mine effect that we like so much.

But back to gardening: our plants have gone dormant for the winter and now need the right fertilizer to give us lots of flowers.

Supporting them during this period of renaissance is simple, inexpensive and accessible to everyone.

Just remember that an effective fertilizer must contain:

  • nitrogen, to invigorate green parts such as stems and leaves;
  • phosphorus, to revitalize the roots;
  • potassium, for lush flowering.

Ready to find out how to provide all of these ingredients at virtually no cost? Begin!

The Most Powerful Fertilizer for Geraniums to Bloom – Amazing!

The most complete and powerful fertilizer for geraniums must, therefore, contain a good dose of the indicated mineral salts. You can choose one of these three ingredients, often present in our kitchens, and bury it, according to the methods that we will explain to you.

Let’s start with lupins, which contain a good dose of nitrogen and help the plant to produce new buds. You can dry and grind them; then spread 50 grams on the ground, without going deeper, do not go below the first 4 centimeters of soil.

Another very effective remedy is banana peel. We know that this fruit releases potassium and magnesium in abundance. It is therefore able to strengthen geraniums and make them more vigorous, even compared to the temperature changes typical of spring.

Cut 6 banana peels into strips, place them in an airtight container and add 1.5 liters of water. Let it soak for 2 weeks, then strain the mixture and use the mixture to water your plants.

Finally, we cannot forget brewer’s yeast, even if it has expired: it contains all the essential ingredients for the health of geraniums and, on its own, exponentially increases the nitrogen and phosphorus present in the soil. Dissolve 100 grams in 3 litres of water and leave to rest in a closed container for at least 7 days. Then, dilute the mixture in 10 litres of water and use it to water the flowers once a month.