
Just throw it in the sink and your drain will never get clogged again!

By Lesia

One of the most common problems in the home is a clogged drain. Whether in the kitchen or bathroom, the accumulation of residue such as food scraps, grease, soap, hair and other debris can cause water to not flow properly, causing discomfort and possible bad odors.

Fortunately, there are effective home solutions that can help you keep your drain clean and free of clogs.

Drain unclogging solution with detergent, vinegar and coarse salt

This homemade solution is especially powerful at keeping your drain clean and preventing future clogs. Follow the next steps:

1. Prepare the mixture

  • In a container, mix 100 ml of detergent, 100 ml of vinegar and a good amount of coarse salt.

2. Prepare the cleaning tool

  • Cut a piece of plastic from a bottle (it can be fabric softener, soda, etc.) into thin strips, forming “teeth” on the edges. This will help you catch debris.

3. Apply the solution

  • Pour the mixture of detergent, vinegar and coarse salt into the drain.
  • Let it act for at least 30 minutes.

4. Use the plastic tool

  • Insert the plastic tool into the drain and move it to catch and remove debris.
  • Rinse with plenty of hot water to ensure all residue has been removed.

Other effective homemade solutions to unclog the drain

Here are several ways to unclog your drain using ingredients and tools you probably already have at home.

1. Baking soda and vinegar

A classic and very effective solution. Follow these steps:

  • Pour half a cup of baking soda down the drain.
  • Next, pour half a cup of white vinegar.
  • Cover the drain with a plug and let the mixture sit for 30 minutes.
  • Finally, rinse with hot water.

2. Boiling water

This is the easiest and quickest way to treat a slightly clogged drain:

  • Bring a large pot of water to a boil.
  • Pour the boiling water slowly down the drain in three stages, allowing a few seconds between each pour.

3. Wire or hook

For blockages caused by hair or food debris, a wire can be very useful:

  • Straighten a wire hanger and form a small hook at one end.
  • Insert the wire into the drain and move to catch and remove debris.

Additional tips to keep your drain clean

  • Use drain strainers : Place strainers in kitchen and bathroom drains. This will help trap food debris and hair before it enters the plumbing system.
  • Clean regularly : Perform preventative cleaning using any of the solutions mentioned above at least once a month.
  • Avoid throwing grease and oils : These can solidify and cause blockages that are difficult to remove. Dispose of them in the trash and not down the drain.

By following these simple steps and homemade solutions, you can keep your drain clean and free of blockages, avoiding major problems and keeping your home in perfect condition. Try these techniques and forget about clogged drains!