
Celery and honey reduce cholesterol, clean the bronchi, treat the heart and obesity

By Lilia

Celery and honey reduce cholesterol, clean the bronchi, treat the heart and obesity

Celery is a root full of vitamins and minerals.

Grated and mixed with honey, it becomes a real means of recovery for a tired or weakened organism.

The recipe is not new to me, I know it from my grandmother who used it regularly and lived to a very old age and in good health.

What’s the secret?

Celery root contains several B vitamins – B1, B2, B6 and B9 – which play an important role in increasing the body’s immunity and resistance to harmful environmental factors.

It also contains substances with antibiotic and antifungal action.

It also contains minerals necessary for the nervous and endocrine systems: 

calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and iron, as well as high-quality proteins.

The rich fiber content in celery root stimulates metabolism and helps regulate body weight. 

Like carrots, celery root can be a good defender against cancer and a supportive supplement in the treatment of cancer, thanks to the substances with cytostatic and antitumor properties it contains.

How to prepare the medicine?

Do not peel the celery as it contains many powerful nutrients and medicinals.

Wash the root thoroughly with apple cider vinegar.

Then grate it and mix it with enough honey.

Consume 1 teaspoon several times a day.

You can also add carrots or grated apple and a little lemon juice to this simple mixture.

The therapeutic effect will be even stronger.

Therapeutic indications of celery and honey

– Antibiotic effect

– Significant strengthening of weak immunity

– Growth disorders in children and adolescents

– Prevention of cancer of the digestive and intestinal system

– Regulation of blood sugar levels

– Cleans the bronchi, calms the cough

– Reduction of cholesterol and triglyceride levels

– Fatigue, stress

– Hormonal disorders

– Cardiac arrhythmia

– Obesity, uncontrolled appetite

– Swelling

– Hypertension

– Rheumatism, painful attacks of gout

– Health of bones and bone tissue

– Cholesterol reduction

To reduce the level of LDL (bad) cholesterol by 10-20%, a small portion of grated celery is needed daily (100 g).

Eliminates cough, dissolves mucus and disinfects

For coughs, colds or sore throats, celery essential oil helps to quickly dissolve mucus and disinfects mucous membranes.

Juice (homemade syrup) from fresh celery is most effective.

I tried this recipe on my son, for whom the syrups from the pharmacy did not work.

You can make the syrup quickly, it doesn’t smell like celery and it works very quickly.

This forgotten recipe was used by our great grandmother and after almost 50 years I used it again on my son.

How to prepare it?

Wash the celery bulb well and pierce it in several places.

Make a hole in the middle and pour in the honey. Celery releases juice, which is then eaten with a spoon.

I first tried it two years ago when my son was 4 years old and I haven’t needed anything else for a cough since.

It works great, don’t be skeptical and try it, the improvement will come very quickly.

Be healthy!

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