
It will literally draw out the retained water and reduce the pounds: 10 foods that will fix your figure and health after 50!

By Lilia

Water retention, also known as edema, occurs when excess fluid builds up in the body.

It can cause swelling of the hands, feet, ankles and bags under the eyes.

In women, water retention can also occur during pregnancy or before menstruation.

Retention of water in the body also not only increases weight but also puts a strain on the heart and internal organs.

This problem often begins to manifest itself in people over 50 and is closely related to excessive salt intake and an unhealthy lifestyle.

A drink that removes retained water from the body (7-day course)!

An excess of sodium in the body has many negative side effects – in addition to the burden on the heart and blood vessels, the visible manifestations are weight gain, swelling and often unsightly cellulite. 

Due to the disruption of water balance and excess water in the body, the fat layer is unevenly distributed, which outwardly looks as if you are much heavier than you actually are.

This type of “obesity” is not uncommon and is very common in people who like and eat a lot of salt.

Natural diuretics are excellent for solving this problem (they remove excess sodium and therefore water from your body).

They remove excess fluid from the body, reduce swelling and regulate water exchange.

There can be up to 4 liters of excess fluid in the body.

You should know that fluid can be significantly reduced in just 1 week.

Don’t forget to drink plenty of fluids during this period – ideally plain water!

For example, lemon, ginger, green tea or watermelon are suitable for reducing the loss of water from the body, but not enough to help this happen quickly.

A bay leaf is suitable for this purpose.

Green tea with bay leaves is a salvation for anyone who needs to solve the problem of water retention in the body in a short time and thus not only improve their health, but also acquire a more beautiful figure.

Dehydration tea

You will need:

800 ml of water

1 stick of Ceylon cinnamon

3 tablespoons of green tea

1-2 bay leaves

Let the water boil and add all the ingredients to it.

Cover and let steep for 15 minutes (like classic tea)

The finished tea is strained through a strainer or gauze and drunk 3 times a day: in the morning on an empty stomach, after breakfast and before going to bed.

Drink for 1 week and always take a break of 1-2 weeks between the next course (you will see the difference yourself).

Green tea and bay leaf are diuretics, and cinnamon is essential for flavor (but also great for weight loss).

Its aroma, sometimes barely perceptible, soothes even a very stubborn appetite.

Thus, tea prevents overeating, accelerates metabolism and removes excess water from the body.

Its taste may seem a little unusual to you, but a few sips are enough and you will get used to it.

He is nice.

Other foods that fight excess water in the body

A stalk of celery

Celery contains a compound called coumarin, which helps rid the body of antioxidants and water retention. 

It also helps digestion and prevents high blood pressure.


Ginger is considered one of the most effective diuretic foods.

It supports digestion and removes all harmful toxins from the body.


Carrots are rich in antioxidants and vitamins that facilitate detoxification in the body.

Thanks to their potassium content, carrots also help maintain cholesterol and blood sugar levels


Cucumbers are high in water and contain nutrients that help flush uric acid from the kidneys.

They also contain caffeic acid, which helps get rid of water retention.

Cucumbers are also low in calories and will help you lose weight.


Cranberries are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C – these substances help remove excess water from the body.

They also protect the body’s cells from damage caused by toxins and free radicals produced by your body during the metabolic process.

Cinnamon (Ceylon)

Cinnamon contains chromium, which helps control appetite.

Cinnamon also helps boost immunity and is a great detox aid.


The high potassium content in asparagus helps prevent unnecessary water retention in the body.

Green tea

Green tea is a natural diuretic. 

Research shows that drinking green tea regularly can reduce body fat by up to 19%.


Dandelion is traditionally used as a natural diuretic.

In Europe, dandelion extract is used to treat many health conditions and is approved by the German Commission E to reduce water retention.


Melons consist of 92% water and are full of various minerals and vitamins that have diuretic properties.

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