
No more moths in your pantry! Discover this powerful trick.

By Lilia

Pantry moths can quickly become a nightmare for any household. These tiny insects can infiltrate our stored food and wreak havoc on our pantry. Aside from being a nuisance, moths can contaminate our food and put our family’s health at risk.

Therefore, it is essential to keep our pantry clean and free of these intruders, ensuring that our food is safe and protected.

In this article, we will introduce you to two powerful tricks that will help you get rid of moths in your pantry naturally and without harmful chemicals. You will discover how to keep your pantry clean and safe, while enjoying the fresh scent of citrus and bay leaves in your home.

The importance of keeping the pantry clean

Keeping our pantry clean and organized not only helps us prevent the appearance of moths, but also guarantees the quality and freshness of our food. A messy and unhygienic pantry can attract insects and rodents, which can contaminate our products and put our health at risk.

In addition, a well-kept pantry allows us to have a clear view of the food we have, preventing it from going bad or forgetting about its existence. Cleanliness is the basis for a safe and healthy kitchen.

No more moths in your pantry! Discover this powerful trick

To keep moths away from your pantry, we will do the following:

Tip 1: Citrus peels against moths

Moths have a natural aversion to citrus fruits, due to their strong, citrusy aroma. We will take advantage of this powerful natural repellent to keep these undesirable insects at bay from our pantry.


  • Get citrus peels: Save the peels from oranges, lemons, tangerines or any other citrus fruit you use in your kitchen.
  • Clean the cupboard: Make sure your cupboard is clean and free of debris. Wash the shelves thoroughly and dry completely before placing the peels.
  • Arrange the peels: Spread citrus peels across the shelves of your pantry. You can also hang a few strips of peel in cloth bags and place them in corners for extra protection.
  • Replace the shells: It’s important to replace the shells every two weeks or so, as they will lose their scent over time. After replacing them, you can use the used shells as fertilizer for your plants or to clean and deodorize your garbage disposal.

Tip 2: Bay leaves to scare away moths

Bay leaves are another ally in the fight against moths. Their strong, spicy fragrance is unpleasant for these insects, which will keep them away from your pantry.


  • Get bay leaves: You can purchase bay leaves at any spice shop or supermarket. Make sure you get dry, undamaged leaves.
  • Distribute the leaves: Place the bay leaves in small containers or cloth bags and distribute them on the shelves of your pantry.
  • Replace regularly: As with citrus peels, it is important to replace bay leaves every so often to maintain their effectiveness.
  • Another way is to prepare a mixture of bay leaves and olive oil . We have to crush the bay leaves and let them rest in half a cup of olive oil for a week. Then we will varnish, so to speak, the whole cupboard with this mixture.

Keep reading: Homemade insecticide to kill flies, cockroaches and mosquitoes