
Wet wipes in the washing machine: The secret that makes everyday life easier!

By Lesia

Wet wipes in the washing machine can greatly improve washing.

It is a surprising and particular method, but quite practical and functional, which probably not everyone is aware of.

Almost everyone has wet wipes at home that are used in different ways and for different purposes.

In this article, thanks to the mitrucoscaseros portal, you will learn how to use them when washing clothes.

Wet wipes have many uses, such as washing hands when there is no running water, disinfecting certain surfaces, especially in the presence of animals, etc.

They are very useful and not expensive, so it is always worth having them at home.

Once you try this trick, wet wipes will become a necessity for you.

What are wet wipes for in the washing machine?

Sometimes it may happen that clothes, even after washing, are not perfectly clean.

In addition, due to hard water and low-quality detergents, the fabric can lose its attractive appearance or structure.

We will tell you how to solve this problem.

Follow this advice and you will regret not having known about it sooner.

Wondering what to add to your washing machine besides powder or gel detergent to get your clothes really clean?

You only need one thing: wet wipes.

Have you ever tried washing things together with a wet wipe?

It’s time to give it a try, but choose better quality and stronger wet wipes.

When you put a wet wipe in the washing machine along with your clothes, it is able to catch small impurities, such as hair, lint or other fibers.

And thanks to this simple trick, your clothes will be cleaner.

Due to its structure and softness, it rises with the water during washing and attracts leftover particles.

As a result, you will get perfectly clean clothes out of the washing machine drum.

What else should I add to the wash?

Almost all of us have hard water in our taps, which contains many minerals.

As a result, clothes fade quickly when washed.

And the fabric has a rough surface.

Adding more detergent will not solve this problem, but there is a way to fix it.

Before washing, add 5 tablespoons of kitchen salt to the washing machine drum.

Salt also acts on stains that do not come out with normal washing.

And thanks to it, the detergent is perfectly rinsed from the fabric.

However, keep in mind that when washing with salt, an additional rinse is necessary.