
Perfectly Clean Kitchen Sink with Almost NO EFFORT: This Home Remedy Will Have It Spotless in No Time!

By Lesia

To prevent the build-up of greasy residue on your kitchen countertop, it is necessary to wash it regularly.

Cooking grease often splashes everywhere and can also settle on doors and worktops.

Anyone who cooks regularly knows that food preparation can make a mess in the kitchen, including the stove and countertop.

We have a great tip from Mrs. Valika from Trnava, who cleans her kitchen counter with this homemade preparation only.

If grease builds up on surrounding surfaces and is not removed immediately, it mixes with dust and turns into an unpleasant sticky layer.

It usually sticks to, for example, the extractor fan, drawer knobs, the bottom of kitchen cabinets, spaces between cabinets near the stove or on the doors and back wall of the oven.

If you use a soaked sponge, it turns white, it becomes more sticky.

So instead of harmful chemicals, try this eco-friendly mix.

Gather all your ingredients and get to work.