
Growing Watermelon in Hanging Nets: Beginner’s Guide

By Lesia

Necessary materials:

  • Watermelon seeds or seedlings
  • Hanging containers or fabric grow bags
  • Sturdy hooks or hanging system
  • High quality substrate
  • Slow release fertilizer
  • Watering can or drip irrigation system
  • Padded
  • Pruning shears

Step by Step Guide:

  1. Choose a compact watermelon variety, such as ‘Sugar Baby’ or ‘Golden Midget’, suitable for vertical growing in hanging nets.
  2. Install sturdy hooks or a hanging system in a location with at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight per day.
  3. Fill the hanging containers with substrate, leaving enough space from the top for watering.
  4. Plant watermelon seeds or seedlings following the distance recommendations for the chosen variety.
  5. Keep the soil moist but not soggy and fertilize with a slow-release fertilizer.
  6. Guide the watermelon vines toward the net for support as they grow.
  7. Prune excess foliage and train main vines following the contours of the net.
  8. Mulch around plants to conserve moisture and regulate soil temperature.
  9. Inspect regularly for pests and diseases.
  10. Harvest watermelons when they are ripe, cutting the stem with pruning shears.

Growing watermelons in hanging nets maximizes space, prevents pests, improves air circulation, and facilitates maintenance. By following this guide, you can enjoy delicious, unique watermelons that will visually enhance your garden. Happy gardening!