
.Highly polished wood furniture, 3 tablespoons of this and they will shine again

By Lesia

Wooden furniture is a furnishing accessory that can add  a lot of class and elegance to our homes  . There are various shades of colour and various styles: we can choose wooden furniture with a modern style or those that remind us of times gone by. In any case, it is a winning choice when it comes to furnishing your home. A winning choice but also a challenging one, since  keeping wood shiny is not an easy practice  ; there is a risk that the furniture will look neglected and of low quality if the proper precautions are not taken. It is a material that requires  special and specific care:  it is not enough to use a damp cloth when cleaning the house.

Polish wooden furniture with this product

When cleaning wooden furniture, you also have to consider protecting it from environmental factors such as humidity. There are very effective remedies that you can create yourself at home, without having to resort to buying commercial products that are mostly aggressive and toxic. The home remedy we suggest consists of using two easily available ingredients:  beeswax and turpentine.

Beeswax is a  natural wax  produced by bees and can be used in dozens of different ways. Candles, cosmetics, medicines and many other products are made from it. One of its best-known properties is that it acts as a polish  for furniture  and all kinds of materials. It is highly recommended for wood, as its use tends to restore its shine.  Turpentine,  on the other hand, is a famous solvent that is mainly used to clean brushes, to dilute paints and give them more shine.

To polish our wooden furniture we will have to  combine these two ingredients:  the first step is to melt the beeswax in a bain-marie, mixing carefully.  50ml of the product  will be enough. When it has completely dissolved we will move on to the second step which consists of adding  50ml of turpentine.  The dose should be three or four tablespoons. After carefully mixing the two products, place a small amount  on a microfibre cloth  and gently rub the surfaces of the furniture. You won’t believe your eyes: each surface will shine again and regain its original shine.  With this small gesture you will give your home an elegant