
Even “dead” cucumbers grow quickly and fruit abundantly after feeding them with this

By Lesia

Even seemingly lifeless cucumber plants can undergo a remarkable rebirth and produce abundant fruit with the simple application of breadcrumbs. During the critical flowering and fruiting stages, cucumbers demand substantial nutrition to thrive. Without adequate nutrition, they present symptoms such as falling flowers, yellowing leaves and the formation of deformed fruits.

However, the solution lies in feeding cucumbers bread, a simple and cost-effective fertilizer that uses breadcrumbs, bark or even mold residue. The benefits go beyond cucumbers: tomatoes, eggplants, peppers and even roses respond favorably to this unconventional fertilizer.

The Magic of Yeast: The transformative power of breadcrumbs comes from the yeast they contain. Yeast serves as a rich source of essential microelements, amino acids and proteins, enriching both soil and plants. Its presence improves soil microbial activity, thereby improving soil structure and nutrient availability.

Preparation method: The preparation of bread fertilizer consists of soaking 600 grams of breadcrumbs in 3 liters of water and letting it ferment for a couple of days. The softened mixture is then diluted with water, mixing approximately 100 ml of infusion with one liter of water for application.

Application technique: After the fermentation period, the infusion is strained and diluted as described above. Each cucumber bush receives a generous watering of half to a quart of diluted fertilizer. Overfeeding is unlikely to occur with bread-based fertilizers, making the suggested rates approximate and forgiving.

Additional Uses: Any leftover softened bread can be buried under currant or gooseberry bushes to provide them with valuable nutrition. Alternatively, the yeast can be employed directly for the preparation of fertilizers, either dried or pressed suitable for the task. The resulting solution is diluted and applied in a similar way to bread infusion.

Remembering the details: when using yeast-based fertilizers, it is essential to dissolve them in warm water to avoid shock to the plants. Cold water should be avoided to avoid possible stress-induced yellowing of foliage.

In conclusion, adopting bread as fertilizer not only minimizes waste but also encourages robust plant growth, benefiting both the plants and the gardener. With this approach, vegetable production is sure to increase, providing a rewarding experience for gardening enthusiasts.
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