
Grated Potato Pie with Onions | Crunchy and appetizing | Only 220 calories!

By liliaturcin5

The grated potato and onion pie: tasty, but with only 220 calories!

The grated potato and onion pie: tasty, but with only 220 calories! The dish we offer you today is one of the appetizing and fun ones. Not surprisingly, it’s made with potatoes: who doesn’t like potatoes?

Everyone loves them, including children, so the likelihood of disappointing someone with a “potty” dish is minimal, almost laughable.

Among other things, this particular recipe that we suggest below is also a slightly “smart” way to convince the little ones to eat the onion. The “trick” is simple, actually the onion is “hiding” inside a super appetizing savory pie.

Appetizing, but not too heavy for the figure, since a portion of this dish does not exceed 220 calories.

But here we are finally at the recipe.

Grated potato pie with onion. The ingredients

For six portions you need: 700 grams of potatoes; an egg; a teaspoon of ground garlic; oregano to taste; Salt and Pepper To Taste.

For the garnish: 80 grams of diced mozzarella (or another cheese of your choice); 80 grams of tuna; four eggs; an onion also cut into cubes; a clove of garlic; oil to taste; Salt to taste

The preparation

First, peel the potatoes, grate them into a bowl and squeeze them with a fork to remove any residual water. Then add salt, pepper, oregano and garlic and mix everything with the help of a spoon.

Then add the egg and continue to mix until it has bonded well with the other ingredients. At this point, take a round mold with a diameter of more or less 25 centimeters and pour the above mixture into it.

This must be spread with the hands on the surface, after which it is placed in the oven at 180 degrees for about twenty minutes.

Meanwhile, sauté the onion in a pan with a drizzle of oil and just enough salt.

After sautéing them, pass them in a boule and add the tuna, mozzarella and eggs. Then mix everything well with a fork.

At this point, pour everything over the already prepared potato base and put it back in the preheated oven at 180 degrees for a quarter of an hour.

Enjoy your meal!

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 35 minutes
Total Time: 55 minutes
Servings: 6
Calories: 220 per slice