
Growing Mushrooms at Home Using a Plastic Bottle and Blender: A Step-by-Step Guide

By Lesia

Step 1: Choosing the Mushroom Variety

  • Opt for oyster mushrooms to start due to their ease of cultivation and adaptability.

Step 2: Substrate Preparation

  • Cut the top off a plastic bottle and cut it into small pieces to use as a base.

Step 3: Substrate Shredding

  • Crush the bottle pieces in a liquidizer until you obtain a fine and homogeneous mixture.

Step 4: Preparation of the Cashew “Spawn”

  • Cut cashews into 3 to 10 centimeter pieces to use as spawn.

Step 5: Sterilization of the “Spawn”

  • Boil the cashew pieces in water for half an hour to sterilize them.

Step 6: Substrate and Spawn Combination

  • Mix the sterilized cashew pieces with the crushed substrate.

Step 7: Filling the Bottle

  • Cut the neck of a plastic bottle of at least one and a half liters and make small holes in the base.

Step 8: Filling the Bottle

  • Fill the bottle with the substrate and spawn mixture, making sure to leave room for ventilation.

Step 9: Incubation

  • Place the bottle in a dark, cool place at a temperature of 22°C to 28°C for two weeks.

Step 10: Fruiting

  • Watch the mushrooms start to grow in the bottle and cut them when they are ripe.

Enjoy your homemade mushroom harvest and be part of urban agriculture at home!