
Damaged wooden surfaces, the trick to clean and polish them: like new

By Lesia

There is a trick to cleaning and polishing wooden surfaces: let’s find out together how to do it and what ingredients to use.

Wood is one of the natural materials that can be used to create  a large number of objects  . From houses, furniture, boats, stairs, doors and beds, among many others.

However, like any material used in everyday life,  it requires certain care  to ensure that natural wood furniture lasts a long time and always looks good.

Cleaning wooden furniture

Cleaning wooden furniture is not that complicated if you have the right tricks at hand. However, you do have to  be careful  when applying products to clean wooden furniture.

How many times have you left traces of glasses or cups on your wooden furniture? Surely, countless times. The best thing in these cases is, if the mark is recent, to clean the area with  a cork before cleaning.

For an older stain, it is best to mix the ash with a little gasoline and rub with a cloth in circular motions.

One of the   oldest “ grandma’s tricks ” for cleaning furniture, keeping it shiny and in good condition is something you can’t even imagine.

Simply mix  equal parts wine vinegar and olive oil  , shake them a little, and then wipe the wooden furniture with the mixture on a cotton ball or cloth.

Maintenance of wooden furniture treated with paint.

Cleaning  painted wooden furniture  has a great benefit over unpainted furniture, as it becomes shinier and has a much cleaner appearance.

However, if the wood tones are very dark, the dust will be much more visible. On the other hand, they are more durable than unpainted ones, since the paint provides a protective layer against dust, insects and moisture.

However, despite this protective feature, painted furniture requires careful care, like any other item, to ensure that it lasts even longer and always looks like new.

To properly clean painted wood furniture,  remove dust with a lint-free cotton cloth.

Then you need to gently wipe the  cloth slightly moistened  with the preparation over the painted wood surface you wish to clean.

Wait for the mixture  to act for 10 minutes  and then, with a clean cotton cloth, remove the remains and polish the entire surface of the furniture.

How to clean old furniture

Old wooden furniture can be more or less worn  . In this way, you get old furniture that only needs a superficial cleaning, as you would do with any other more modern furniture. However, there are other pieces that need specific care, especially when it comes to cleaning.

Here are some steps to clean old natural wood furniture:

First, use a  mixture of vinegar and olive oil  in equal proportions. If the furniture is damaged by years of use, it is advisable to use  lemon juice  in large doses. On the other hand, if the furniture is quite damaged, the use of this product is not recommended.

You will then need to soak a sponge in this mixture and clean the surface of the furniture. If it does not require a very deep cleaning, a cotton cloth moistened with the mixture will suffice to clean the surface  with delicate circular movements.  This solution will remove dust, grease and other residue from the wood.

Then wipe with a damp cloth and a little water to remove any remaining residue.
Finally, let  the furniture dry for 30 minutes  before wiping it with a cloth soaked in glycerin or furniture wax  to restore the wood’s shine.