
Flour in the freezer, this very simple gesture saves your life in 1 minute: try it and you will see

By Lesia

This is why keeping flour in the freezer will prevent it from being thrown away due to the tiny butterflies that nest inside it.

flour storage

Flour is a food product obtained by grinding cereals  or other products. In particular, there are two types of flour that are widely used in Italy: soft wheat flour and durum wheat flour. While the first is originally from central-northern Italy, the second is originally from southern Italy and is where semolina comes from.

Wheat grains are composed of bran, germ and endosperm. The bran is the outer part and contains the vitamins. The germ is removed industrially because it reduces the flour’s ability to preserve. The endosperm contains the protein part and the starch.

There are several types of flour: 00, 0, type 1 and type 2, as well as whole wheat flour  . The latter is the most complete from a nutritional point of view. Rich in fibre and mineral salts, it contains a lot of vitamin B, antioxidants, iron and essential fats.

How to store flour? The trick to prevent it from spoiling

Flour is always present in Italian homes  and is essential for the preparation of many dishes, just think of homemade pasta or pizza dough. But it can also be used as a thickener in sauces or dessert creams. In short, it is an ingredient that is always present in the kitchen.

flour in the freezer

But storing flour is not always easy,  as it is often not enough to just look at the expiration date. In fact, insects or mold can sometimes form inside the flour, which accelerates the spoilage process. In fact, if stored in the wrong place, flour is the ideal nesting place for butterflies and then you will just have to throw away the whole package.

In order for flour to last over time, it must be stored in suitable climatic conditions, and the right place is the freezer.  Yes, that’s right, flour can be put in the freezer, just put it in a closed jar  . This way, the organoleptic qualities of the flour will not be altered.

In fact, this ingredient does not tolerate very hot or dry environments, nor cold and humid ones. However, freezer temperatures prevent the presence of butterflies or other bacteria thanks to the low temperatures. In addition   , it is not necessary to defrost it before use, it can be used immediately after taking it out of the freezer.

Otherwise, you can place it near aromatic herb plants such as basil or lavender. This is because these plants repel parasites thanks to their intrinsic properties.


Now that you know this new trick, you too can save your flour from the butterflies that continually nest in packages and jars.  The use of the flour remains unchanged and its placement in the freezer does not pose any health risk.

Remedies to prevent the presence of parasites in the pantry

There are various remedies to prevent the presence of parasites in the pantry, which increases more and more during the summer with the heat  . To avoid unnecessary waste, a few precautions are enough to ensure that the pantry is always clean and free of butterflies and other insects.

flour preservation

It is very important to clean furniture and cupboards frequently with a cloth moistened with water and vinegar.  Then you can use pheromone-based traps that are commonly found on the market and are ready to use. The important thing is to place only one, otherwise too many traps could confuse the insects.

Or you can prepare a mixture of corn flour and boric acid (ratio 1:3) and put it in containers that you can then place in your cupboards. You can also use bay leaves, and the fresher and more fragrant they are, the more they will repel insects.