
Water just once and there will be an explosion! Orchids bloom immediately and produce new flowers NONSTOP all year long!

By Lesia

If you feel that your orchid is not thriving and has not bloomed in a long time , it is time to provide it with this natural food.

Thanks to it, your plant gets everything it needs for growth and starts throwing one puck after another.

Give it a chance and fertilize it with this kitchen fertilizer .


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Thanks to this method, your orchid will grow very quickly and bloom almost continuously. 

How to breathe new life into orchids



Soak the orchid pot in a bowl of water for 20 minutes.<nbsp;< strong=““></nbsp;<>

Now take the help of onions or onion skins, which contain many valuable substances.


Then place them in a glass jar and pour a liter of boiling water over them.

Onion skins have antibacterial and antiseptic properties and help plants to root quickly and bloom profusely.

Let it stand until the water has cooled down.

After it has cooled, you can strain it and use it as a topping for roots.


In addition to this fertilization, you should proceed as follows to save the orchid.


If the orchid has not bloomed for a long time, it needs to be transplanted. 

Cut off damaged and rotten roots and disinfect the cuts with ground cinnamon.


Also apply the onion peel extract when transplanting the plant using the soaking method .

This fertilizer should be applied once every 14 days .

Let it stand for 30 minutes and treat the leaves with this brew.



Simply pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray both sides of the leaves. Spray both sides of the leaves.

Spraying should be done early in the morning .

You can also use the decoction to clean the leaves with a soaked cotton swab. 


You can also soak the orchid roots in it for 30 minutes before planting so that they absorb the necessary nutrients.

It is very useful in the care of weak and underdeveloped plants.

The roots will always be healthy, the root system will grow quickly and the plant will be more beautiful than ever. 


Remember to use pine bark or a special orchid substrate instead of substrate. 

After soaking the pot, always drain the water and then dry the pot with paper towels.

This prevents rot due to too much moisture.

Place the orchid in a bright place  without direct sunlight. 


For more information, see the attached video at the end of the article.

The miracle of the spice farmers – sugar!

If you’ve transplanted an orchid and it’s not thriving, you’ve accidentally damaged it, or it simply hasn’t bloomed in a long time, try this tip.

The greatest miracle for this plant is definitely the sugar  .

Sugar is to an orchid what an antibiotic is to a human.

If used correctly, the orchid will thrive.

What is sugar good for?


    • on withered plants,
    • to plants that you have accidentally damaged during handling,
    • on plants that have not flowered for a long time,
    • for older plants that lack energy.


How can you do this?

Dissolve  1 teaspoon of sugar in a liter of water and immerse the orchid in this bath.

Let it soak for about 8-9 hours  (it is said that you can leave it soak for a whole day).

Then soak in strong water for another hour .

That’s all.

The very next day you will notice that the orchid looks much better and gradually recovers completely.