
Sweet homemade bread braid 😎👌

By Lilias

1 loaf
650 gr wheat flour 0000 + 100 gr
250 gr sugar
200 ml milk
100ml water
100 gr butter
2 eggs, one for the dough and one for painting
1 tablespoon instant yeast
1 pinch salt


In a bowl we will add all the ingredients: the milk, the sugar, the egg (only one because the other is for painting the bread), the butter, the flour and finally the 100 ml of water that we will add little by little until we feel the manageable dough We knead for a minute and add the instant yeast.

The next thing is to let the dough rest for 20 minutes, covered and in a container. After resting, we take it out, knead it a little and let it rest again for 20 minutes. We have to do this kneading and resting procedure 3 times.

Now we will proceed to divide the dough into 3 equal parts and we will lengthen it with our hands little by little from the center outwards, squeezing a little from the center towards the ends.

We braid the dough, trying not to tighten it too much but not leaving it too loose either. We cover and let the braid rest for 10 to 15 minutes.

We will place the braid on a plate in butter and we will beat the yolk of the other egg with a few drops of water to make it lighter and very gently with a brush and we will paint the entire braid.

We must have the oven preheated to 230ºC since it must be very hot when we put the bread in. Halfway through cooking or a little before, we will lower the oven temperature between 180ºC and 200ºC to finish baking without the bread toasting or taking on too much color too soon.

We let it bake for approximately 30 to 35 minutes and it’s done.