
Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar: Easy, Quick and Cheap!

By Lesia

Those who are passionate about natural products know how indispensable vinegar is in almost all situations. Normally, white wine vinegar is used for this, also because it is very cheap, but it is always necessary to dilute it.

Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar: Easy, Quick and Cheap!

On the other hand, apple cider vinegar, being much more delicate, can in many cases be substituted and used pure. It certainly doesn’t make much sense to buy something more expensive just to avoid the trouble of adding a little water, but if we learned how to make it at home using leftovers? It would be a truly exceptional saving, and by always having it available we can use it in a thousand other ways, first of all the way it was created, that is, for cooking, but also to treat our hair.

However, since we are in a recycling mood, we will also look at two other methods of using apple waste, after all, an apple a day keeps the doctor away, so let’s use the waste too and we will keep some other problems away too!

Come on, let’s not delay any longer!

Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar: Here’s How to Recycle Apple Peels and Cores

We take a glass jar with a capacity of approximately one litre, fill it to the brim with apple scraps, both the skin and the core, and add 750 ml of water.

Place a cloth or a sheet of absorbent paper over the opening of the jar and secure it with a rubber band, cover the rest of the jar with aluminum foil and let it sit in a warm, dark place for 40 days, every two days in the first ten we will mix the contents, for the next thirty we will leave it alone.

Once the necessary time has passed, filter everything using a strainer, put the residue in a cloth and, by squeezing it, remove the vinegar that has been absorbed.

Vinegar is ready, let’s put it in a bottle and use it as we like!

Natural fertilizer with waste

In a blender, put the apple remains, the peels of a couple of bananas and an egg shell, blend as finely as possible and use immediately, it cannot be preserved, to fertilize the plants.

To descale a pot

If we have a pan encrusted with burnt earth, it will be enough to place some apple peels on the bottom, add a little water and bring to the boil. After a few minutes we will see how the earth dissolves.