
Natural fungicide for vegetables and gardens, this ingredient keeps insects away

By Lesia

Insects on plants growing in your garden are typical, especially when temperatures start to rise  . Insect attacks can often be harmful and it is therefore important to combat them. Don’t let your garden become overrun with insects because you also risk ruining the harvest.

These can attack the fungi in the plants that can damage them irreparably. Take action now and do it with natural products.  In fact, avoid chemical products especially if you want to maintain a natural garden  . In fact, there are several methods. 

Here today we are going to see how to combat insects in your garden with a single natural product.  This product can be found in your kitchen and is a perfect natural fungicide to eliminate all insects. If you want to know what it is, just keep reading to find out more. All the details in the next paragraph.

Use this natural fungicide

As we have said, there is a natural fungicide that keeps insects away from your plants. It is a highly appreciated spice that is surely already present in your home because it is used in cooking.  Let’s talk about cinnamon, which is available on the market in the form of sticks or powder.

For plants you will have to use the latter, the powdered form.  Cinnamon is used in cooking but also as a natural medicine  . In fact, it is highly appreciated as it is antifungal and disinfectant. What you probably don’t know is that you can also use it in the garden and in your vegetable patch.

Using cinnamon in the garden is very useful because it helps fight pathogenic fungi and insects.  There are several ways to use it in your garden and now we are going to see some of them. From a fungus killer to a rooting hormone, cinnamon is a true ally for gardening and plant care.

Cinnamon is ideal when planting new seedlings and when not all the factors are favorable for their growth. In fact, this helps the seed or seedling to germinate healthily as it prevents diseases from attacking the plant, causing the premature death of the seedling.

Sprinkling cinnamon around the seedling in the soil prevents moisture retention and consequently blocks the proliferation of fungi and bacteria  . It also serves to prevent the development of green algae on the surface of the substrate, which is a very common condition.

By eliminating the mushrooms that the flies feed on, we will also eliminate them  . For this, you should start using cinnamon as well. It is an excellent natural fungicide, it costs very little and does no harm. You just have to try this remedy to keep insects away from your plants.