
Watermelon jelly tart: the recipe for the typical Sicilian dessert with melon jelly

By Lilias

Preparation: 50 min

Cooking: 60 min

Rest: 2 1/2 hours

Serves: 6-8 people


For the shortcrust pastry

00 flour

500 gr


200 gr

Caster sugar

200 gr







Baking powder


For the watermelon frost

Watermelon juice

1 l

Caster sugar

80 gr


80 gr

for the finishing

Toasted pistachio grains


you also need



00 flour


The watermelon jelly tart is a typical Sicilian dessert  prepared with a fragrant shell of homemade shortcrust pastry and a delicious filling of melon jelly : the famous dessert with a spoon, much loved throughout the island, here used as a filling instead of the more classic jam . A fresh and delicious summer specialty, ideal to serve at the end of a meal or as a snack , particularly popular in the Palermo area, where it is possible to enjoy it in pastry shops and bakeries scattered around the city, together with a squeezed juice or a cup of coffee.

To bring it to the table, start with the shortcrust pastry, here made with the addition of a pinch of baking powder for a softer result to the bite. After a resting time, roll out the dough into a thin layer, line a 22 cm diameter mold with it, buttered and floured, and then pour the watermelon jelly on the base, previously prepared by cooking the corn starch sifted with the watermelon juice and granulated sugar on the stove. Once you have made the classic grill with the leftover pastry scraps, all you have to do is bake the tart at 180 °C and then sprinkle it, once cooked, with a little toasted pistachio grains : you will thus obtain a fragrant and creamy delicacy, to be consumed strictly very cold in the company of the whole family and stored in the fridge, in an airtight container, for 2-3 days maximum.

If you have a juicer or centrifuge at home , you can use them to extract the watermelon juice, otherwise it will be enough to remove the seeds from the pulp, blend it with a food processor and finally pass it through a fine mesh strainer. According to personal taste, you can flavor the juice with a pinch of cinnamon or the seeds of a vanilla pod or, as Palermo tradition dictates, you can leave it to infuse for a few hours in the fridge with a handful of jasmine flowers and then filter it, before proceeding with the preparation.

If you like, you can glaze the tart after baking with some gelatin for desserts or you can decorate it with dark chocolate chips , to add or replace the dried fruit. If you prefer, you can make the shortcrust pastry without yeast, like in school , or you can try a cocoa or gluten free version : for a dessert also suitable for guests with celiac disease or gluten intolerance.

Discover how to prepare the watermelon jelly tart by following the step-by-step procedure and advice. If you liked this recipe, also try the watermelon cheesecake or try your hand at other Sicilian pastry specialties .

How to make watermelon jelly tart

Step 1

Prepare the shortcrust pastry: arrange the flour in a fountain shape, break the eggs into the center1, add the sugar, the butter in pieces, a pinch of salt and yeast, and flavor with the grated lemon zest. Then quickly work the ingredients, until you obtain a smooth and homogeneous dough.

Step 2

Wrap it with a sheet of cling film2and let it rest in the fridge for half an hour.

Step 3

Meanwhile, prepare the watermelon jelly: in a saucepan with a thick bottom, dilute the cornstarch with the watermelon juice, stirring often with the help of a hand whisk.3.

Step 4

At the end you should obtain a smooth mixture without lumps.4.

Step 5

Add the granulated sugar5and put it on the fire.

Step 6

Leave to cook on a medium flame, stirring constantly, until you obtain a thick and shiny cream.6.

Step 7

Transfer the watermelon jelly to a low, wide container.7, cover with a sheet of cling film and leave to cool in the fridge.

Step 8

Once the pastry has rested, roll it out with a rolling pin on a floured work surface.8about 1 cm thick.

Step 9

Cover a 22 cm diameter baking tin, greased and floured, with the shortcrust pastry disc obtained and trim the edges, eliminating the excess pastry.9.

Step 10

Pour the now cold watermelon jelly into the shortcrust pastry shell and level the surface with the back of a spoon10.

Step 11

With the pastry scraps kept aside, form lots of strips and arrange them on the filling, so as to create the classic grid.11; then put the tart in the oven at 180°C and leave it to cook for about 45 minutes.

Step 12

Once ready, take the watermelon jelly tart out of the oven, let it cool completely and turn it out onto a serving plate. Sprinkle the surface with some toasted pistachio grains, cut the cake into slices12and servants.