

By Lesia

Natural fertilizer, do you know how to make it for just 10 cents? You have to do it: only then will your plants come back to life. Here is the secret that nurserymen use.

Are you looking for a  cheap, natural fertilizer ? With just 10 cents you have solved your problem:  your plants will come back to life . The trick of the green thumbs revealed.


Ensuring a  plant will live a long time  is not a given. If you are a beginner, the challenge is even more complicated. If, on the other hand, you are a green thumb , you will probably succeed, although nothing is guaranteed.

Even if you devote  love, attention and care to your plants,  you can often find yourself faced with a very unpleasant sight: their death. How many times have you been forced to cut off yellowing leaves or even throw away your plant because it no longer has any life?

If you have tried  various methods and systems  but without results, perhaps before you despair  you should try this trick . Today we will teach you how to make  a natural fertilizer  that will give a new life to your plant.

Did you know that  with  just 10 cents you can solve the problem  of wilting plants ?  The trick that nurserymen use has finally been revealed . When a plant starts to wilt and its leaves turn yellow, it means that you are doing something wrong.

More specifically, it may happen that your little green gem needs more water or nutrients that it is not able to obtain from the soil. In these cases, you should resort to a fertilizer .

Of course, you can buy all kinds of them out there.  The best sellers are chemical or artificial fertilizers that can of course rebalance your plant but at what cost to the environment? Did you know that you can use a natural fertilizer  instead ? Here is the one that will give your plant a new boost, quickly and, above all, cheaply.

The nurserymen’s trick to create a super-effective natural fertilizer revealed

If you are also looking for a fertilizer that is neither artificial nor chemical, but 100% natural to give new life to your plants, you have come to the right place. In this post, we will show you how to make a product that costs only 10 cents.

Ready to know how to proceed? Then let’s not waste any time and get started right away. Let’s say from the start that there are  two techniques to make this compost , one simpler than the other.

Let’s start with the first one. The essential ingredient is baking soda . This will be able to make your plants bloom and trigger their growth. Baking soda will make fallen or yellowed leaves  revive  new shoots , causing them to bloom better.

But that’s not all. It will also help you  eliminate pests and fungi from your plants . As you can see, this ingredient is truly an invaluable resource. How should you use it? In a very simple way. Take a teaspoon, fill it with baking soda and pour it into a liter of water . Stir well, you will see that the product dissolves very easily.

Once dissolved, you can start watering the soil of your plants. This fertilizer is also excellent for succulents such as cactus,  orchids and anthuriums .

In short,  it works for all plant species . Nurserymen’s advice is to use baking soda dissolved in water  once every 30 days . Below we will explain the second method  in which you can always use baking soda with the same solution.

In this case,  you need to pour the product into a spray bottle  or sprayer and start wetting the leaves of your plant. By doing so, you will eliminate fungi and pests  from your little green jewels and the yellow and wilted leaves will come back to life.

Even in this case, nurserymen recommend using the product once every 30 days . Do you see how easy it is to give your plants a new life? Often it is not necessary to resort to chemical or artificial products , which can bring your little green jewels back to life, but at a rather significant cost to the environment.

With  baking soda and water , on the other hand, you can solve the problems of wilted plants or yellow leaves yourself . By the way, it is a super cheap remedy .

Why? Obviously, baking soda is ridiculously cheap  and is a readily available ingredient that is almost never missing in Italian homes. Try these two techniques yourself and breathe new life into your plants.

We are sure that  after trying this 100% natural fertilizer, you will never go back . Your wonderful green jewels will sprout and be reborn again. And do you know what is most important? The rebirth will be immediate .