
Very refreshing melon salad

By Lilias


  • Lettuce
  • Cherry tomato
  • Ham
  • Melon
  • feta cheese
  • Parmesan
  • Pinch of salt
  • 3 tablespoons of vinegar
  • 6 tablespoons olive oil


We are going to cut the lettuce or green leaves that we like the most.

We add the cut melon into pieces. The Cherry cut in half.

We cut the feta cheese into square cubes and add it.

We place the ham and with a potato peeler we cut thin slices of Parmesan cheese.

And now we have it ready in the absence of the vinaigrette that we added just before serving.

Just before going to the table we add the salt, vinegar and olive oil. We mix and enjoy this melon salad.

I hope you like this salad idea. A different salad full of flavor and very refreshing.