
Kitchen towels, no washing machine needed: discard 1 tablespoon | They will be white and very clean.

By Lesia

Dishcloths get dirty quickly and are never cleaned again. Here is the unbeatable method to remove all stains.

Kitchen towels are essential in the kitchen, they are items that you cannot do without. They are used to dry dishes but also to help you take hot dishes without burning yourself. They help when necessary to clean the kitchen counter or the dining table. In short, they are items that cannot be missing in the kitchen.

They are often hung in the kitchen or placed against the oven to match the rest of the kitchen. However, these tend to get dirty very quickly.  In fact, it takes very little to stain them quickly and irreversibly.  A spot of ragù or oil and the marks will never disappear.

But there are actually some tricks that will help you clean kitchen towels without using bleach or the washing machine. Come and discover how to remove stains without commercial detergents.

Removing stains from kitchen towels has never been easier

For the trick we are going to reveal to you, you need to use simple baking soda before washing.  In fact, you just need to soak the kitchen towels in a container filled with hot water and a spoonful of baking soda. Then you have to let them sit for about half a day and then proceed to wash them, either in the washing machine or by hand.

Before washing, however, another tip is to put a few drops of dishwashing detergent on the stains and rub. If you decide to continue washing in the washing machine, it is best not to fill the basket with a stopper and set the wash to 40°. To help completely remove the stains you can also add powdered detergent with active oxygen.

Other ways to clean kitchen rags: without bleach

There are other methods, but it is not recommended to use bleach  . It is often thought that using bleach will make clothes very clean and white. But this is not always the case, because one of the disadvantages is that it tends to turn clothes yellow during washing. Therefore, using bleach is not enough to get clean clothes.

In fact, you can replace bleach with natural substances that are more delicate and less invasive.  For example, you can use white vinegar  . Simply dilute it with water and leave the cloths to soak for at least one night. Only after soaking, rub and put in the washing machine.

Or you can use water that has been boiled with two slices of lemon and two slices of lime. Immerse this water in a container and submerge the kitchen towels, leave it to act for at least a couple of hours and then put it in the washing machine.

But the method that works best to have kitchen towels as clean as if they were new is this one:

Get these ingredients: 50 ml of white vinegar, 60 g of grated Marseille soap and 2 tablespoons of baking soda.

Preparation: boil a pot of water with baking soda and vinegar and only then add the soap. Mix over low heat until you get a very foamy mixture. Then just pour the mixture into a container and dip the cloths in it.

Soak for at least 8 hours and then rub with cold water.  This way, with simple ingredients, you can get clean kitchen towels without using detergent.