
Banana peels, don’t throw them away: put them in your house plants | You’ll thank me later

By Lesia

Banana peels are often thrown away once the fruit has been eaten. They can actually be useful in a number of different contexts.

In particular, they can be used to  care for the soil and plants  in your garden or orchard.

Banana peels, why they are useful in the home garden

Food waste is very useful, as those who care for the land, those who  cultivate it for food use  , or simply because they want to have a garden full of lush plants, know well.

Among all the recommended food waste, there are also  banana peels  , because they are  rich in nutrients  . These bring a lot of well-being to the soil and plants. Inside them there are various minerals that are good for both human health and for the health of the soil and the plants themselves.

We are talking about  calcium, sodium, potassium and phosphorus  . Those who have a garden or an orchard should prefer to use organic bananas, instead of pesticides that are harmful to plants, but also to the body. When humans consume fruits and vegetables treated with  pesticides  , they somehow come into contact with them, even in small quantities.

Banana peels, this is how they are used to fertilize the soil

Using  banana peels  is very simple. There are so many uses. First, you can  add them to your compost bin  . You put them in, but cut them into small pieces, because  they break down much easier this way. Some people put them in the blender  first   and then add them to the compost.

They can also be used  to clean plants  , rubbing banana peels on the leaves which immediately become shinier and at the same time get a lot of food. They also keep away aphids, fleas and  all parasites that attack plants  . Only use the peels in small pieces, the important thing is that the peel is dehydrated and then placed on a plate on the ground.

Alternatively, soak  the banana peel in water  and put the solution into a spray bottle. At this point, the mixture is ready to  be sprayed directly onto the plants  .

How to prepare dry or liquid fertilizer

Banana peels  can also be used as  dry fertilizer  . In this case,  the peels are first dehydrated in the sun  or in an oven. They are then ground and thrown onto the ground to be fertilized.

You can also choose to fertilize only the part of the soil that interests you most, that is, the part where the seeds will be planted, or on already grown plants, directly around the base.

As for the production of  liquid fertilizer  , a mixture is prepared with four dried and dehydrated banana peels  , a tablespoon of Epsom salts  and then two eggshells, previously chopped, in a liter of water.

At this point,  the solution is ready and can be sprayed directly onto plants  as needed. Finally, the peels can also be used to  feed animals  such as rabbits and chickens.

What plants can benefit from bananas?

Banana peels can bring great benefits to some plants in particular, including  succulents, orchids, chillies, hydrangeas  , all flowering plants that are usually placed on the balcony.

The treatments mentioned above should be repeated  every 15 days  in summer. Then once a month during winter.