
Baking soda in the closet, leave it there overnight: the next day you won’t believe your eyes

By Lesia

The trick you didn’t know, use baking soda inside the closet and the result will be incredible.

Very often in closed and poorly ventilated spaces a very annoying smell is created. This happens for example in drawers and closets and many times the force that is created is transferred to the clothes. There are several remedies on how to eliminate the interior smell. Some are even natural and you can find them in your pantry.

Many times we clean closets or dressers only on the outside without thinking that it is much more important to take care of the inside. The stench that is generated in the closet is usually due to lack of ventilation. It also generates a lot of dust.

Here we explain how to get rid of the bad smell in your closet: baking soda
The first thing we should do is remove everything and clean. Dust and clean the surfaces; and a remedy to remove the smell of humidity and moisture is baking soda. Half a teaspoon is enough and, in addition to the smell, those annoying water droplets that remain in the closet will also go away.

baking soda
Baking soda helps absorb water vapor from furniture and thus eliminates odor. Simply take a damp microfiber cloth and sprinkle it with baking soda. You will have to go over each internal surface of the closet and after finishing, clean with another clean cloth only after leaving it to act overnight.

It is then advisable to wait before placing the clothes inside the closet, it is better to air it a little more to ensure that there are no damp parts. Another useful recommendation is to place the clothes inside the closet only when they are completely dry. Even after ironing them, it is always better to wait a little before storing them.

Other remedies to clean and perfume the closet
Then there are other remedies to clean the closet, avoid humidity and ensure that it is always perfumed. For cleaning you can also opt for vinegar instead of the classic chemical products found on the market. Simply place a cup of vinegar in a container with hot water.

If you also want to add a pleasant smell, just add a few drops of essential oil. Another remedy to absorb moisture from cupboards and also salt or rice. Simply make packets of grams of salt or rice and place them inside the cupboard.

scented bags
If there is a lot of humidity, it is better to initially change the salt or rice in the packet every 3 or 4 days. Then, once most of the moisture has been absorbed, you can change the rice or salt every 15 days.

Since it is a closed environment, there is always little air circulation in the cupboard, so to avoid creating unpleasant smells you can use natural methods to scent it. You can use organza bags (the kind that usually contain sugared almonds for wedding gifts) and put flowers, aromatic spices or pieces of fabric on which a few drops of essential oil have been poured inside.

Otherwise, you can opt for scented chalk. They can be made at home using water and chalk and by mixing these two ingredients you will get a mixture to put in moulds. Once dry, you can add drops of essential oil and place them in the wardrobe.

Wardrobe tips
It is also useful to have an organised wardrobe with perhaps some boxes so that it is easier to clean as well. However, it is advisable to use metal containers or woven baskets. Avoid plastic ones that do not let air through.

It is always a good idea to air out the wardrobe and dresser drawers from time to time, to ensure that no strange smells are generated inside!
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