
Orange and coffee, the combination you don’t expect: you will be satisfied with the result

By Lesia

Sometimes during the day, whether after lunch or dinner or even when we need to snack on something good and it takes away our craving for something, we tend to consume sweets  .

Many times, out of laziness or because we don’t have many ingredients at home, we tend to buy  prepared snacks  sold in the supermarket even though they may contain preservatives.

Orange and coffee: the combination you never expected

Their use during the week is not entirely bad, since some of them can be healthy and the intake of sugar in our body and brain is useful for carrying out the actions of the day.

However, sometimes we find ourselves without these  snacks  and we want to prepare an authentic dessert with some ingredients we have at home, but we don’t always know which ones to use and which ones to combine.

However, not everyone knows that there are two  ingredients  that seem very distant from each other, due to completely opposite flavors, but together they can result in something very delicious.

We are talking about  oranges  and  coffee,  and a very simple recipe that gives life to a cake that will surely make your palate jump for joy and that can also be an excellent dessert for a dinner with friends.


First we need to get three  good sized oranges  and make sure they are fragrant, then peel them and cut them into small pieces and place them in a bowl.

Once this is done, with an immersion blender we blend  our  oranges while in a separate bowl we break  three eggs  to which we add  160 grams of sugar  and  a glass of vegetable oil of about 200 ml  .

We combine everything and then add  200 ml of milk  and  grate  some  orange zest  into this mixture. Once this is done, once you have obtained a creamy mixture, add the   previously blended oranges .

Using a whisk, mix everything very gently and  sift in 360 grams of flour and a sachet of baking powder, equivalent to about 10 grams of product,  and continue.

Next, we grease a frying pan with  half a tablespoon of butter  , which should be well spread, and  half a tablespoon of flour  , and then we add part of the mixture obtained, leaving at least  1/4 of it in the bowl  .

Once inserted into the pan, spread it well, and in the remaining mixture in the bowl, add  15 grams of coffee  and then insert this new mixture into the pan, forming small circles here and there on the previous mixture.

This should be  baked  for at least  40 minutes at 170°  and then, when we take it out of our appliance, it should be sprinkled with  300 ml of milk , using a teaspoon, and shredded coconut  should be sprinkled   on top.

Once everything has cooled,  the dessert is cut into squares  and served. We see how the chromatic difference can be captivating to the eye but above all to the palate.