
How to grow Desert Rose and its careBasic Care:

By Lesia
  • Maintain humidity: It is essential for the leaves to be lush and the roots strong.
  • Monthly cleaning: Pour enough water on the roots once a month to rinse them and remove residues of old fertilizer. Soak the orchid in a water bath for 30 minutes.
    Organic Beet Fertilizer:
  • Ingredients:
    o 1 beet (30 g)
    o Water
  • Procedure:
  1. Cut the beet into slices and put it in the blender with a liter of water.
  2. Mix well and filter through a coarse strainer.
  3. Soak a cotton swab in the beet juice and clean the orchid leaves on both sides.
  4. Pour the juice into a spray bottle and spray the orchid.
  5. Dry the leaves with a cloth.
  6. Pour the fertilizer onto the roots once a month, placing a bowl underneath to collect excess liquid.
    Rice Water Fertilizer:
  • Ingredients:
    o 5 tablespoons of rice
    o 500 ml of water at room temperature
  • Procedure:
  1. Put the rice in a bowl and cover with water. Mix and wash well.
  2. Filter through a coarse strainer.
  3. Soak a cotton swab in the rice water and wipe the orchid leaves, removing germs and insects.
  4. Spray the leaves with the rice water using a spray bottle.
  5. Place the orchid in a bowl and pour the rice water over the roots. Let it soak for an hour.
  6. Drain off excess water, dry and repeat fertilization every 14 days.
  • Note: You can freeze the rice water to always have fertilizer available. Thaw and wait for the water to reach room temperature before using.
    Expected Results:
  • After 2-3 weeks, the leaves will be greener and new roots will grow.
  • The orchid will bloom profusely.
    Good luck!
    Desert Rose Characteristics:
  • Scientific Name: Adenium obesum
  • Height: Up to 2 meters in the ground, less in a pot; ideal for bonsai.
  • Foliage: Elongated, medium green, hardy; deciduous.
  • Climate: Subtropical to tropical, arid; tolerates cold nights.
  • Soil: Prefers well-drained, sandy soil.
  • Position: Sunny, open location; light shade from midday sun.
  • Flowering: Individual rose-like flowers in a variety of colors and combinations.
  • Feeding: Long-term controlled-release fertilizer, used sparingly.
  • Watering: Water in hot, dry conditions; good drainage is essential. Do not water during dormant period.
    Appearance and Characteristics:
  • Caudex: Swollen trunk that stores moisture, similar to a belly.
  • Leaves: Small and medium green.
  • Flowers: Similar to those of the oleander, with five petals around a central yellow “eye”. Colors from pink to deep red, with variations and combinations. Average flower size: 5 cm.
    How to Grow the Desert Rose:
  • From seeds: Can be complicated due to the variability of the seedlings.
  • From cuttings: To obtain plants true to the original type.
    Planting in the Garden:
  1. Sunny Position: Light midday shade in tropical and arid areas.
  2. Level of Caudex: Base of caudex at ground level or slightly above.
  3. Soil: Well drained with gravel, but tolerates richer soil.
  4. Fertilization: Controlled release fertilizer during soil preparation.
  5. Terracotta or Porous Clay Pot: Drains well and dries quickly.
  6. Pebble or Clay Ball Base: Improves drainage.
  7. Potting Mix: Use high quality cactus and succulent mix.
  8. Plant Placement: Base of caudex on top or slightly above the mix.
  9. Initial Protection: Place in a sheltered location for a week before exposing to sun.
  10. Light Midday Shade: Minimizes leaf scorch.
    Growing as Bonsai:
  11. Shallow Bonsai Pot: Proportional to the size of the plant, with sufficient drainage holes.
  12. Root Trimming: So that the base of the caudex is above the rim of the pot.
  13. Pot Filling: With premium bonsai mix.
  14. Watering and Settling: Water well to settle the mix.
  15. Top Trimming: Begins the shaping process.
  16. Initial Protection: Protected location for a few weeks before gradually exposing to the sun.
  17. Light Midday Shade: If possible.
    Desert Rose Care:
  • Regular Watering: Especially during hot, dry times.
  • Water Soluble or Liquid Fertilizer: In spring and summer to encourage flowering.
  • Annual Fertilization: Controlled release fertilizer around plants in the garden and pots, used sparingly.
    Desert Rose Pruning:
  • In the Garden: Light pruning in the dry season to maintain shape and prevent infection.
  • Bonsai: Trim tips every few months, taking into account flower placement.
    Diseases and Pests:
  • Common Pests: Aphids and mealybugs